PC- based data acquisition using PCL-208

Mohammad, Sayed S and Kumar, Sanjeev (2010) PC- based data acquisition using PCL-208. BTech thesis.



DAQ (Data Acquisition) can be defined as the process of bringing a real-world signal, such as a temperature, pressure, voltage etc into the computer, for processing, analysis, storage or other data handling . A Physical occurrence represents the real-world signal you are trying to measure. In order to optimize the distinctiveness of a system in the terms of performance, handling capacity and cost, the relevant subsystem can be combined together. Analog data is usually acquired and renewed into the digital form for the principle of processing, transmission and display. Rapid advances in Personal Computer (PC) hardware and software technologies have made it easy and efficient adoption of PCs in various accurate measurement and in various complex control applications. A PC based measurement or control application requires conversion of real the world analog signal into digital form and transfer of this digitized data into the PC. A data acquisition system that performs conversion of analog signal to digital data and the digital data to analog signal is interfaced to a pc to put into practice the functions of a measurement and control instrumentation applications. In this project we have used the electromagnetic sensor to acquire the data of a magnetic disk angular velocity, which we have got in mili volts range. This has been further converted approximately into the range of 5 volt by using an operational amplifier of suitable gain (~30)and then rectified .We then converted the analog voltage into digital by using ADC 0804 and the processing part is done by using ATMEL89c51.In the second phase we have used the data acquisition card PCL-208 and 207 to interface the amplified output to PC by the help TURBO C (C compiler).

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:PCL 208, PC-based
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Instrumentation
Engineering and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:1801
Deposited By:Sayed S Mohammad
Deposited On:17 May 2010 16:59
Last Modified:14 Jun 2012 10:01
Supervisor(s):Pati, U C

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