Optimization of process parameters involved in laser bending operation using taguchi experimental design method

Sahu, Pratoh Sourav (2010) Optimization of process parameters involved in laser bending operation using taguchi experimental design method. BTech thesis.



A laser-bending process has many advantages such as no mechanical spring-back effect, precise incremental adjustment, high level of process flexibility, and the capability of production of complex shapes due to which it has shown a great promise and so has lately been the subject of considerable interest. This paper reports the variation of bending angle with change of different process parameters. Experiments are conducted following a well planned experimental schedule based on Taguchi’s design of experiments (DOE) method and the optimal values of process parameters for maximum bending angle is thus determined. Process parameters include laser power, pulse diameter, pulse duration and scan speed. Significant control factors predominantly influencing the bending angle are also identified. Specimen used for experiments is Aluminium metal sheet and Nd-YAG laser is used as laser source.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:laser bending, spring-back, DOE
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:1856
Deposited By:Pratoh Sourav Sahu
Deposited On:19 May 2010 10:54
Last Modified:19 May 2010 10:54
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Supervisor(s):Patel, S K

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