A laboratory study on effect of test conditions on subgrade strength

Chauhan, Rajesh (2010) A laboratory study on effect of test conditions on subgrade strength. BTech thesis.



Design of the various pavement layers is very much dependent on the strength of the subgrade soil over which they are going to be laid. Subgrade strength is mostly expressed in terms of CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Weaker subgrade essentially requires thicker layers whereas stronger subgrade goes well with thinner pavement layers. The pavement and the subgrade mutually must sustain the traffic volume. The Indian Road Congress (IRC) encodes the exact design strategies of the pavement layers based upon the subgrade strength which is primarily dependant on CBR value for a laboratory or field sample soaked for four days. The subgrade is always subjected to change in its moisture content due to rainfall, capillary action, verflow or rise of water table. For an engineer, it’s important to understand the change of subgrade strength due to variation of moisture content. This project is an attempt to understand the strength of subgrade in terms of CBR values subjected to different days of soaking and the corresponding variation in moisture content. It is observed that the CBR decreases and the moisture content increases for high degree of soaking.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Subgrade, CBR(California Bearing Ratio, Moisture content
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Civil Engineering > Geotechnical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Civil Engineering
ID Code:1935
Deposited By:Madhan Muthu
Deposited On:19 May 2010 10:03
Last Modified:19 May 2010 10:05
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Supervisor(s):Panda, M

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