Number of items at this level: 146.
Bose, Bishnu Pada (2013) Influence of joints on Rock mass strength through modeling. MTech thesis.
Naik , Jajati Keshari (2013) Load carrying capacity of stone columns embedded in compacted pond ash. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rupashree Ragini (2013) Behaviour of eccentrically loaded shallow foundations on granular soil. MTech thesis.
Sahu , Roma (2013) Some studies on the load carrying capacity of shallow foundation resting over geogrid-reinforced sand under eccentric load. MTech thesis.
Senapati , Swagatika (2013) Modelling of geotechnical structures using multi-variate adaptive regression spline (MARS) and genetic programming (GP). MTech thesis.
Sultana, Benazeer (2013) Assessing the suitability of coarse pond ash and bottom ash as filter material. MTech thesis.
., Supriy and Mishra, Devi Prasad (2007) Study of compressive strength of jointed rockmass. BTech thesis.
Agrawal, Rahul (2013) Behaviour of ring footing over reinforced sand. BTech thesis.
Alam, Shamshad (2014) Bearing Capacity of Rectangular Footing Resting Over Geogrid Reinforced Sand Under Eccentric Loading. MTech thesis.
Alla, Vamsi (2017) Feasibility Study of Fly Ash-Bentonite Mixture as an Alternate Liner Material. MTech thesis.
Anand, Ankit (2015) Application of Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques to Geotechnical Engineering Problems. MTech thesis.
Asgarali, Khan Mohammedali (2015) Effect of Lime and Fly Ash on Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of Soils. MTech thesis.
Aswani, Karan (2010) A comparison of the Impacts of Tap and Saline Water on Some Important Engineering Properties of Virgin and Flyash mixed Swelling Soil. BTech thesis.
B aruah, N irupam (2014) A study on Bearing Capacity of Submerged Rock Foundation. MTech thesis.
Babu, A. Mohan (2017) Stabilization of Thick Fly Ash Slurry Using Alkaline Activators. MTech thesis.
Banavath, Ramesh (2017) Geo Engineering Properties of Pond Ash-bentonitemixes. MTech thesis.
Bandela, Srikanth (2014) Load carrying capacity of reinforced pond ash beds. MTech thesis.
Behera, Jyoti Ranjan (2015) Influence of Random Reinforcement on Strength Properties of Fly Ash. MTech thesis.
Bhattacharya, Sumana (2015) Numerical Investigation of Biogrout: a New Soil Improvement Method Based on MICP. MTech thesis.
Bhobhariya, Sanjay and Anand , Vikash (2013) A comparative study on strength improvementand CBR properties of NIT hostel area soil by using calcium carbide residue and fly ash. BTech thesis.
Bhumij, Raj Kishore (2015) Compaction Characteristics of Red Mud and Pond Ash Mix As Filling and Embankment Material. MTech thesis.
Bhuyan, Sushanta (2010) Stabilization of blast furnace slag and fly ash using lime and RBI grade 81. BTech thesis.
Bisai, R (2014) A study on modes of rock failure under uniaxial compression. MTech thesis.
Chakrapani, Karnati (2016) An Experimental Study on Black Cotton Soil Stabilization by Using Terazyme. MTech thesis.
Chamling, Pawan Kumar (2015) Behavior of Reinforced Stone Column. MTech thesis.
Chauhan, Rajesh (2010) A laboratory study on effect of test conditions on subgrade strength. BTech thesis.
Chowdhury, Swaraj (2015) Alkali Stabilized Fly Ash: A New Generation Geo-Material. MTech thesis.
Dange, Ajit (2015) Laboratory Study on Permeability of Layered Soil. MTech thesis.
Das, Gobinda (2018) Estimation of Settlement of Shallow Strip Foundation Resting on Soft Clay Subjected to Vertical Cyclic Loading. MTech thesis.
Das, Pragyan Paramita (2015) Primary and Secondary Compression Behavior of Soft Clays. MTech by Research thesis.
Das, Ritesh (2018) Effect of Xanthan Gum Biopolymer on Engineering Properties of Expansive Soil. MTech thesis.
Das, Siddharth (2013) A Multifunctional Equipment for Early Detection of Leakages from Nuclear Waste Containment Estimating Thermal and Electrical Resistivity, Moisture Content of Soil. BTech thesis.
Deshpande, Ram Manoharrao (2015) Analysis of Pile Foundation of an Underground Building Under the Influence of Tunnel Using Plaxis 3d. MTech thesis.
Gadi, Vinay kumar (2015) Thermal Analysis of Engineered MultiBarrier System for Hazardous Waste Management. MTech thesis.
Garanayak , Lasyamayee (2017) Development and Characterization of Alkali-Activated Red Mud - Slag Cementitious Material. PhD thesis.
Ghosh, Praloy Kumar (2009) Utilization of Red Mud and Pond Ash for Construction of Embankments. BTech thesis.
Giri, Siddharth and Bairagi, Priyanath (2014) Geotechnical study of behaviour of high concentration settled ash slurry. BTech thesis.
Halwai, Sailendra Kumar (2011) Bearing capacity of circular footing located on randomly reinforced sand bed. BTech thesis.
Jahnavi, Tarini (2016) Reliability- Based Stability Analysis of Slope. MTech thesis.
Jain, S (2014) Red mud as a construction material by using bioremediation. MTech thesis.
Jena, Abhinab and V , Aravinda Ramanujam (2010) Cost optimization of cantilever retaining wall. BTech thesis.
Jena, Sarita (2015) Behaviour of Eccentrically Loaded Circular Footing on Granular Soil. MTech thesis.
K, Bhagya (2018) Properties of Fly ash based Controlled Low Strength Material. MTech thesis.
Kamal, Jyoti (2021) Production of Innovative Angular Fly Ash Aggregate and Its Performance in Light Weight Concrete. PhD thesis.
Kanhar, Debasish (2017) Behaviour of Surface Strip Footing on Soft Soil Subjected to Eccentrical and Inclined Load. MTech thesis.
Kashyap, Rudrendra (2015) Effect of Saline Water on Geotechnical Properties of Low Plastic Soil and High Plastic Soil. BTech thesis.
Katipelly, Ramana Reddy (2016) Microstructure Study on Ageing Effect of Expansive Soil. MTech thesis.
Khuntia, Sunil (2014) Modelling of geotechnical problems using soft computing. MTech thesis.
Kodamasingh, Soumendra (2017) Comparative Study of Rock joints with and without Gouge Filled Material. MTech thesis.
Kola, N (2014) Reliability based analysis of dam embankment, geocellreinforced foundation and embankment with stone columns using finite element method. MTech thesis.
Kolamgiri, Haribabu (2015) Effect of Salt Solutions on Compressibility of Bentonite. MTech thesis.
Krishnan, K (2017) Mechanical Behavior of Geothermal Piles Due To Thermal Changes by Numerical Analysis. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Abhishek (2016) Strength Characteristics of Lime-Treated Pond Ash Towards Mine Void Filling. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Ashutosh (2018) Strength and Permeability Characteristics of Indian
Coal Ashes. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Deepak (2015) Compaction Characteristics of Bottom ash. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Gaurav and Sahu, Saujanya Kumar (2012) Design of fly ash dyke for seepage and stability analysis. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Ratnesh (2017) Compaction Characteristics of Fly Ash and Pond Ash. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Vikas (2016) Suction Measurement of Soil Using Salt Solution Technique. MTech thesis.
Kumar , G Suneel (2018) Chemical Compatibility of a Fly ash-bentonite based
Hydraulic Barrier. MTech thesis.
Kumari, Deepti (2009) A Study on the Effect of Moisture on Strength Characteristics of River Sand. BTech thesis.
Mahajan, Shweta Yogiraj (2016) Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Soil wall. MTech thesis.
Mahanta, Annapurna (2015) Bearing Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Embedded Square Footing on Geogrid Reinforced Sand. MTech thesis.
Mahendar, Regoti (2015) Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Granular Soil Under Eccentrically Inclined Load- A Numerical Approach. MTech thesis.
Mallick, Jyotirmayee (2016) Collapsible Behaviour of Pond Ash. MTech thesis.
Mandal, Mithun (2018) Effect of Plastic Waste on Strength of Clayey Soil and Clay Mixed with Fly Ash. MTech thesis.
Meena, Kuldeep Kumar and Yadav, Parit (2011) A comparative study in soil plasticity of hall area and lecture complex area of nit rourkela. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Anshumali (2018) Development of Sulphate and Corrosion resistant mortar using coarse fraction of red mud. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Partha Narayan (2015) Thermal, Electrical and Viscous (TEV) Characterization of Biomodified Geomaterials. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Anurag (2009) Slope Stability Analysis using Genetic Algorithm. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Mamata (2012) Geotechnical properties of lightly cemented fly ash. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Manas (2007) Behavior of strip footing on multi-layered geogrid reinforced sand bed. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Manmay Kumar (2015) Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Fly Ash. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Ranajeet (2016) Liquefaction Susceptibility of Soil Based on In-Situ Tests Using Multi Objective Feature Selection (MOFS). MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Samaptika (2013) Classification on jointed rock mass. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Samaptika (2020) Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Industrial by-Products. PhD thesis.
Motamarri, Dhyaneshwar (2015) Study on Engineering Behaviour of Schist Rock. MTech thesis.
Mudiar , Jyotishman (2015) Develpoment of a Comprehensive Excel Spreadsheet for Estimating the Output of Some Geotechnical Laboratory Experiments. BTech thesis.
Naidu, Pendela Venkata (2015) Effect of Calcium Exchange Capacity on the Properties of Black Cotton Soil. MTech thesis.
Naik, Aditya Narayan and Biswas, Amrita (2010) Study on liquefaction of soil. BTech thesis.
Namdeo, Himanshu (2018) Strength characteristics of Lightweight Geopolymer and Effect of Pre Heat Curing on Geopolymerization. MTech thesis.
Nanda, Preetynanda (2014) Load carrying capacity of encased stone column in compacted pond ash bed. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Kananika (2015) Application of Coal Ash-Bentonite Mixtures as Landfill Liner. MTech thesis.
Nema, Devansh (2017) Compaction and strength characteristics of Lime activated flyash with GGBS as an admixture. MTech thesis.
Padhiary, Jagadish (2021) Agro Hydrological Characterization of River Basin in Tropical Monsoon Climatology under Changing Land Use and Climate Scenarios. PhD thesis.
Palsule, Prasad S (2018) Studying the behavior of Sodium Lignosulfonate treated expansive soil. MTech thesis.
Panda, Chinmaya Kumar (2015) Mathematical Modeling of Biogrout Process. MTech thesis.
Panda, Ipsita (2015) Characterization of Red Mud as a Construction Material Using Bioremediation. MTech by Research thesis.
Pani, Aparupa (2014) Effect of Curing Temperature on the Strength of Lime Stabilized Fly Ash. MTech thesis.
Pani, Aparupa (2019) In-Situ Stabilization of Sedimented Ash Deposits by Chemical Columns. PhD thesis.
Parhi, P S (2014) Stabilization of expansive soils using alkali activated fly ash. MTech thesis.
Parik, Piyush (2016) Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Assessment of Process Waste from Steel Industries and its Stabilisation. MTech thesis.
Patel, Preeti (2016) Flow Resistance Study for Rough Meandering Channels. MTech thesis.
Patel, Vikrant (2017) Evaluation of Oblique Pullout Capacity of Inextensible Reinforcement using Non-linear Pasternak Model. MTech thesis.
Patel , Alok (2013) Characterization and classification of some local fly ashes. MTech thesis.
Pavani, M (2014) Application of functional networks in geotechnical engineering. MTech thesis.
Pelluru Venkata , Pavan Kumar (2017) Behaviour of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Wall as a Bridge Abutment Using Numerical Analysis. MTech thesis.
Poddar, Vishal and Bebarta, Pratap Kumar (2011) Analysis of Foundations and Retaining walls on Industrial waste. BTech thesis.
Priyadarshee, Om Pritam (2013) Bearing capacity of pond ash overlain by sand bed. BTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Sujata (2015) Static and Dynamic Analysis of Geogrid Reinforced Unpaved Road. MTech by Research thesis.
Priyanka, Talabattula Raj (2015) Effect of Slag on Strength and Hydraulic Properties of Lime Stabilized Pond Ash. MTech thesis.
Prusty, Prasanjit (2007) Stability analysis of unstable slopes with reinforcements and by the use of FLAC software. BTech thesis.
Prusty, S.Santosh Kumar (2010) Dynamic response of pile foundations under coupled vibration. BTech thesis.
Purohit, S (2014) Multi-objective optimization of reinforced cement concrete retaining wall. BTech thesis.
R, Ganesh (2014) Geo-engineering properties of sedimented flyash deposit stabilized by lime pile. MTech thesis.
Rabbani, Ahsan (2016) Effect of Temperature on Swelling Pressure and Compressibility Characteristics of Soil. MTech thesis.
Raj, Ajay (2017) Effect of Synthesis Parameters on Compressive Strength of Fly ash-GGBS Based Geopolymer. MTech thesis.
Raj, Padam (2010) Compaction Characteristics and Shear Parameters of Pond Ash. BTech thesis.
Rajalaxmi , Bagasingi (2015) Stabilization of Red Soil Using Blast Furnace slag. BTech thesis.
Rajput, Shubham (2016) Effect of Flexible Void on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Shallow Strip Footing on Granular Soil. MTech thesis.
Ravi Teja, Vippagunta (2015) Numerical Analysis of Geocell Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall. MTech thesis.
RayMohapatra, Hrushikesh (2015) Study on the Effect of Agricultural Solid Waste Bagasse Ash on the Properties of Expansive Soil. BTech thesis.
Rongala Siva Naga , Srikanth (2017) An Experimental Study on Engineering Properties of
Bentonite - Sand Mixtures. MTech thesis.
Rout, Shuvranshu Kumar (2009) Prediction of Relative Density of Sand with Particular Reference to Compaction Energy. MTech thesis.
S, Siddharthan (2015) Suction Measurement of Bentonite Using Filter Paper Technique. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rupashree (2014) Evaluation of liquefaction susceptibility of soil using genetic programming and multivariate adaptive regression spline. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Soumyaprakash (2014) Geo environmental assessment on abandoned mine filling with coal ash. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Susovan Kumar (2015) Geotechnical Study on Behaviour of High Concentrated Ash Slurry. BTech thesis.
Sahoo , Jayashree (2015) Stabilization of Industrial by-Products Using Alkali Activation. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Devasish (2018) Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Clay Soil Under Eccentric Inclined Load. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Santosini (2021) Structural characterization and modelling of fly ash brick masonry. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Srikanta (2018) Influence of Geosynthetic Encased Stone Columns over Coal Ash Bed. MTech thesis.
Samantasinghar, Subhashree (2014) Geo-engineering properties of lime treated plastic soils. MTech thesis.
Sambasivarao, K.Venkata (2015) Quantifying The Role of Vegetation in Slope Stability. MTech thesis.
Sangita, Sushree (2015) Hydraulic Conductivity and Leachate Characteristics of Lime Stabilized Flyash. MTech by Research thesis.
Sarkar, Rajesh (2015) Effect of Dry Density and Salt Solution on Swelling Pressure of Compacted Bentonite. MTech thesis.
Sekhar, Jonnagiri Chandra (2018) Effect of Interference on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings Resting over Multi-Layered Reinforced Soil. MTech thesis.
Sen, Arpan and Kashyap, Rishabh (2012) Soil stabilization using waste fiber materials. BTech thesis.
Sen, S (2014) Physical properties of cenosphere. MTech thesis.
Sengupta, Indraneel (2018) Optimal Design of Stone Column Using Numerical Analysis. MTech thesis.
Sethy, Barada Prasad (2014) Load carrying capacity of eccentrically loaded shallow rectangular foundation on granular soil. MTech thesis.
Sharan , Alok (2011) Strength characteristics of fibre reinforced compacted pond ash. MTech thesis.
Sharma, T Sivaramakrishna (2013) Design of Reinforced Earth Wall Using Pond Ash - A laboratory study. MTech thesis.
Sindhuja, Dummu (2016) Stabilization of Red Mud Using GGBS and Fly Ash. MTech thesis.
Singh, Vinay Kumar (2018) Engineering Properties of Red Mud and other by-Products based Controlled Low-Strength Material. MTech thesis.
Siya, A K (2014) Analysis of sand gradation effects on relative density. BTech thesis.
Soni, Neeraj (2011) Influence of flyash on the strength and swelling characteristics of bentonite. BTech thesis.
Subramaniam, P (2011) Reliability based analysis of Slope, Foundation and Retaining Wall using Finite Element Method. MTech thesis.
Suman, Shakti (2015) Prediction of Pile Capacity Parameters using Functional Networks and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. MTech thesis.
Swain, Abhishek and Nayak, Somya (2012) Geotechnical properties of fiber reinforced pond ash. BTech thesis.
Swain, Kajal (2015) Stabilization of Soil Using Geopolymer and Biopolymer. MTech by Research thesis.
Swain, Padmaja (2017) Stabilization of Sandy Soil Using Fly Ash and Bentonite. MTech thesis.
Tiwari, Abhishek (2015) Quantification of Cracks and Shrinkage Using Image Analysis. MTech thesis.
Tiwari, Anoop Kumar (2016) Analysis of Monopile Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbine. MTech thesis.
Tripathy , Sungyani (2013) Load carrying capacity of skirted foundation on sand. MTech thesis.
Venkatesh, N (2014) An experimental study on effect of reinforcement on stress- strain behavior of flyash. MTech thesis.
Vydehi, K. Venkata (2015) Reliability Analysis of Spread Footing Over Circular Void. MTech thesis.
This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 23:05:09 2025 IST.