Development and Characterization Of Pellet Activated Carbon from New Precursor

S, Dinesh (2011) Development and Characterization Of Pellet Activated Carbon from New Precursor. BTech thesis.



Coconut shell was used as a precursor for the production of activated carbon. The substrate was initially physically activated for determination of optimum temperature of production. However on comparison with various chemical activations, zinc chloride activation produced the best results. Preliminary tests determine the inefficiency of epoxy resins as binders. Later concentrated sugarcane juice was used as an adhesive for pellet formation. On activation of these pellets, enhanced surface properties (better than powder activated carbon using same procedures) are obtained. The characteristics of the pellet activated carbon were studied through various tests and analysis. The iodine number of the pellet activated carbon was determined to be 1100 mg/g and had a yield of 36.95%. However the powder activated carbon had an iodine number of only 1020 mg/g. The adsorption study of the pellet activated carbon hence provides evidence for better activity and surface area than commercial activated carbon. It also determines a suitable application of Methane gas storage by adsorption on this pellet activated carbon at high pressure.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:pellet activated carbon, binder, sugarcane juice, chemical activation
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Seperation Process
Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:2401
Deposited By:S Dinesh
Deposited On:16 May 2011 17:39
Last Modified:16 May 2011 17:39
Supervisor(s):Mishra, S

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