Number of items at this level: 98.
Pradhan, Debalaxmi (2011) Recovery of value added fuels from waste polyolefins bicycle tyre and tube. MTech by Research thesis.
., Shivani (2013) Vapor-liquid equilibrium and thermodynamic property estimation of CO2 - alkanolamines - water system using molecular modeling and validation with experiments. MTech by Research thesis.
A, Ramesh Babu (2007) Recovery of liquid hydrocarbon fuels from waste plastics. MTech thesis.
Acharya, Abhisek (2016) Developing a Safety Management Plan and its Implementation at DESPL. MTech thesis.
Agarwalla, Ankit (2017) Extraction and Recovery of Phenol from its Aqueous Solution Using Vegetable Oil as Liquid Membrane. MTech thesis.
Agir, Sujeevan Kumar (2019) Detection and Quantification of Arsenic in Contaminated Drinking Water Using Electronic Tongue. PhD thesis.
Agrawalla, Ankit (2011) Thermal Pyrolysis of Groundnut De-Oiled Cake and Characterization of Bio-Oil Produced. BTech thesis.
Annavajhala, Mrudula (2012) Energy integration in sponge iron plant using heat of waste gas. BTech thesis.
Ashish, Kumar (2016) Safety in Segment Lifting Case of Narmada River. MTech thesis.
Bagwan, Soyab Salim (2015) Photocatalytic Degradation of Hazardous Safranin (O) Dye by Using Self Synthesized TIO2 Nanoparticles. MTech thesis.
Bal, Sudhansu Sekhar (2016) Maintenance of Batching Plant & Application of LOTO & Emulsion as a Protection System to Enhance Food Safety. MTech thesis.
Bal, Utkal Bishal (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) of New Plate Mill, Rourkela Steel Plant & Standardising Electrical Maintenance Procedure for City Gas Distribution (CGD) Industry and Safety Aspects Related to Electrical Installations. MTech thesis.
Bhoi, S K (2010) Adsorption Characteristics of Congo Red Dye onto PAC and GAC based on S/N ratio:A Taguchi Approach. BTech thesis.
Biswal, D (2010) Studies on Fluidization Characteristics of Fine Particles in a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed. BTech thesis.
Bose, Arunim (2012) Simulation of air liquefaction using aspen plus. BTech thesis.
Boxi, Siddhartha Sankar (2016) Synthesis and Characterization of Ag Doped TiO2, CdS, ZnS Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic, Toxic Ions Detection, and Antimicrobial Applications. PhD thesis.
Chetia, Dorothy (2014) Synthesis of Aromatic Dibenzyl Disulfideusing H2S and Solid Reusable Resin as Catalys. MTech thesis.
Chokkapu , S S (2014) Rheological behaviour of starch(maize)in presence of surfactant medium. BTech thesis.
Dalai, Abhijit (2012) Nitrogen and helium liquefier design and simulation using aspen plus. BTech thesis.
Das, Abhipsa (2016) Safety Practices in Steel Authority of India Limited and an Analysis on Kolkata Flyover Collapse. MTech thesis.
Das, Sarthak and Pandey, Saurabh (2007) Pyrolysis and catalytic cracking of municipal plastic waste for recovery of gasoline range hydrocarbons. BTech thesis.
Das, Shilpi (2020) Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Lignocellulosic Biomass for Iron Removal from Aqueous Phase. PhD thesis.
Das, Soubhagya Ranjan (2014) Experimental study on synthesis, characterization and applications of novel adsorbents. BTech thesis.
Das, Sougat (2017) Proposition of Novel Refrigerants in Various Cooling Devices. MTech thesis.
Das, Subhrajyoti (2010) Removal of congo red dye onto coconut (cocos nucifera) shell and bael (aegle marmelos) extracts using taguchi approach. BTech thesis.
Dash, Abhishek (2012) Study on the thermal pyrolysis of medical waste (plastic syringe) for the production of useful liquid fuels. BTech thesis.
George, Prince (2021) Metal Organic Frameworks as Potential Candidates in Photocatalysis and Chemical Sensing Applications. PhD thesis.
Harshitha, Gandham (2021) Studies on Pr1-xLnxBa0.5Sr0.5Co0.5Fe1.5O5+δ (Ln = Nd, Gd, La; x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) Double Perovskite Oxides for SOFC Application. PhD thesis.
Jason, Naveen Noah (2012) Self-assembly of colloidal sulfur particles on flat surfaces from evaporating sessile drops. MTech thesis.
K, S Kumar (2010) Extraction of Essential Oil Using Steam Distillation. BTech thesis.
K umar, Lukesh (2014) Analysis of steady state Cryogenic Air Separation unit of Rourkela Steel Plant and simulation of Fixed Bed Adsorption
Separation of Air. MTech thesis.
Karnjkar, Yogesh Sanjay (2017) Extraction and Recovery of Different Dyes Using Green Solvents as a Liquid Membrane Medium. MTech thesis.
Kaushikaram, K S (2010) Partial Least Squares and Neural Network Based Identification of Process Dynamics & Design of Neural Controllers. BTech thesis.
Khatoon, Bushra (2017) Numerical Study of Droplets: Hydrodyamics in Oxygen Steelmaking. MTech thesis.
Khuntia, Mahendra Kumar and Swain, Jyoti Ranjan (2007) Salt effect on liquid liquid equilibrium for ternary system water +1-propanol +ethyl acetate. BTech thesis.
Kottukappally, Aby J and Sahoo, Rashmi Ranjan (2007) Simulation and optimization of simultaneous fermentation and separation of butanol using pervaporation technique. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Deepak (2022) Numerical Investigation of Power-law Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer over a Rotating Elliptic Cylinder in Laminar Flow Regime. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Malakalapalli Naveen (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Coke Oven Battery and Modelling of Nitrogen Oxides and Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from a Thermal Power Plant. MTech thesis.
Kumar, S (2010) Conversion of Food Wastes to Useful Chemicals/Products. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Sachin (2014) Conversion of waste high-density polyethylene into liquid fuels. PhD thesis.
Kuriakose, Sanil (2016) Safety in Deep Excavation, Numerical Simulation of Room Corner Test for Polycarbonate. MTech thesis.
Lily, . (2020) Augmentation of Fast Cooling Operation of Steel Plate by Modifying the Orientation of Cooling System and Properties of Coolants. PhD thesis.
Lima, Tanmaya Kumar (2012) Studies on hydrodynamic behaviour and COD removal
efficiency using inverse fluidised bed bioreactor: statistical
Analysis. MTech thesis.
Maharana, Manisha (2023) Novel Mesoporous Zeolites from Industrial Solid Wastes for Remediation of Textile Wastewater. PhD thesis.
Majhi, Kruttibas (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of New Plate Mill and Assessment of Water Quality in Scholars Avenue Zone of NIT Rourkela. MTech thesis.
Makkitaya, Swarna N. (2017) Study on Reactive Extraction of Butyric Acid Using Suitable Extractant and Diluent. MTech thesis.
Manna, Arin (2016) Safety Challenges in Construction of Kochi Metro Rail Project & its Control and Studies on Safety Engineering Aspects of Nisargruna Biogas Technology. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Ramaswarup (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Launching Girder and Developing Oil-In-Water Emulsion System as a Delivery System to Enhance Food Safety. MTech thesis.
Mitra, Sayandeep (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Adsorbents. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Abinash (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Institutional Building Construction & Development of a Software for the Study of Accident and Loss Statistics in Industry. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Biswajit (2016) Health and Safety Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Underground Cross Passage Construction in Between Two Metro Tunnels and Physicochemical and Microbial Assessment of Tap and Filtered Water in Academic Zone of NIT Rourkela. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Rashmi Prava (2012) Fabrication and Characterization of Metal Organic
Framework (MOF) Based Membrane. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Sourav (2016) Road Safety Diversion Plan for the Transportation of Precast Segment and Analysis of Safety Performance Rating in Construction Industry. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Swati Sambita (2020) Microbial Strategies for Decolorization of Anthraquinone Based Dyes in Batch and Continuous Systems. PhD thesis.
Mohapatra, Avinash and Singh, Manpreet (2008) Preparation of Liquid Fuels from Waste Plastics. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Debasish and Rakh, Kapil (2007) CFD modeling of multiphase fluidized Bed. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Gurujeet (2016) HIRA of Kalamserry Railway Over Bridge Kochi Metro Rail Project KC-03, L&T and Aspect Impact Analysis of Fire Hazard for City Gas Distribution Center, Green Gas Limited, Agra. MTech thesis.
Mukherjee, Sourav (2023) Experimental Studies on the Reactive Extraction of Different Carboxylic Acids. PhD thesis.
Nanda, Debasis (2020) Studies on Multipurpose Liquid Repelling Functional Coatings for Various Industrial Applications. PhD thesis.
Nayak, Kiran Chandra (2012) Effect of coal size and process variables on coal cleaning efficiency in an air dense medium fluidized bed. BTech thesis.
Nayan, Niraj Kumar (2011) Experimental studies on extraction of valuable fuels from karanja and neem seed by pyrolysis. BTech thesis.
P, Dhanush (2014) Experimental studies on heat transfer augmentation for flow of liquid through circular tubes using twisted gi wires with and without baffles as insert. BTech thesis.
Pachari, Sreenivasulu (2015) Structure, Microstructure and Magneto-Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate-Ferrite Based Composites. MTech by Research thesis.
Panda, Chittaranjan (2012) Aspen plus simulation and experimental studies on biomass gasification. BTech thesis.
Panda, Partha Pratim (2012) Solvent free synthesis of Dibenzyl Sulfide using H2S rich Monoethanolamine under two phase transfer catalysis. BTech thesis.
Panda, S R (2010) Hydrodynamic Study of Gas-Solid Fluidization of a Ternary Mixture in a Tapered Bed. BTech thesis.
Pandey, Devesh and Samudrala , Prasanth (2007) Removal of hydrogen sulfide using bio filter. BTech thesis.
Parhi, Sidharth Sankar (2014) Gainful utilization of spent pot lining – A hazardous waste from aluminum industry. MTech by Research thesis.
Pati, Soumya Ranjan (2012) Synthesis and characterisation of activated carbon and
its study on Cr (VI) removal from water. BTech thesis.
Patro, V.Balaji (2013) Bio-transformation of natural oil into industrially useful product (Lauric acid). MTech by Research thesis.
Pradhan, Rosalin and Nag , Amit (2007) Production of ethanol from bagasse. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, Sourav Kumar (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Launching of Steel Truss and Biosafety of Potable Water from Rural Area of Rourkela, Odisha. MTech thesis.
Rahman, Khayam S (2016) Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of New Coke Oven Battery of Steel Authority of India Limited, Rourkela and High Potential Exposure Safety Gaps and Their Risk Calculations in a Food Processing Industry. MTech thesis.
Rath, Saswat (2011) Performance & Emission Analysis of blends of Karanja Methyl Ester in a Compression Ignition Engine. BTech thesis.
Reddy, Ankireddypalli Ravikumar (2016) Hazard and Operability Study in New Coal Chemical Department and Risk Assessment in a Food Processing Industry. MTech thesis.
Rout, Satyasish (2016) Hazard and Operability Study in New Coal Chemical Department RSP & Indian Farmers Fertilisers Cooperative Limited, Paradip. MTech thesis.
S, Dinesh (2011) Development and Characterization Of Pellet Activated Carbon from New Precursor. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Pranati (2015) Computational and Experimental Studies on Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Reactor for Treatment of Industrial Gaseous Effluent Containing Fluorides. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Smruti Ranjan (2016) Layer of Protection Analysis at Green Gas Limited and HAZOP Study of Blast Furnace 5 Processes at RSP, SAIL. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Mohit Mohan (2011) Simulation of process parameters and bed-hydrodynamic studies for fluidized bed biomass gasification using aspen plus. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Pooja (2017) Studies on Energy Integration for Modification in Existing Sponge Iron Plant. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Shitarashmi (2010) Bio-Mineral Processing: A Suitable Approach. MTech by Research thesis.
Sainath, Garimella Venkata (2016) Hazard Operability Study for Blast Furnace and Particulate Matter Dispersion Modelling for a Power Plant. MTech thesis.
Saleh, Abdullah (2011) Study Of The Performance Of Batch Distillation Using gPROMS. BTech thesis.
Sesodia, Atul Kumar (2015) Feasibility Study of Malachite Green Dye Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Groundnut Cake Activated Carbon. MTech thesis.
Sharma, Shashi Kant and Jena, Biswanath (2007) Thermal inactivation studies of protein: a step toward their biostabilization. BTech thesis.
Sheoran, Meghna (2014) Effect of electrolyte solutions on sunflower oil water interfacial tension in presence of surfactant. MTech thesis.
Singh, S K (2014) Adsorption of dye by natural and modified wood dust. BTech thesis.
Singh, Utkarsh (2015) Self-Assembly of Silica Nanoparticles on Glass Surface. BTech thesis.
Sourav, Sagar (2012) Production of hydrogen enriched SYN-gas by absorption method. BTech thesis.
Srinivasan, Shyam Sundhar (2010) Feasibility of carbon dioxide sequestration in deep indian coals. BTech thesis.
Subudhi, Sarthak (2014) Experimental studies on pressure drop for flow through tubes using twisted galvanised iron wire insert with and without baffles. BTech thesis.
Swain, B K (2014) Adsorption studies of phenol using activated carbon prepared from groundnut shell. BTech thesis.
Tirumalaraju, Deepthi (2011) Removal of Zinc, Nickel and Copper Ions from Waste Water Using Char-A Sponge Iron Plant Waste. MTech by Research thesis.
Tripathi, Sankalp and Mishra, Dharmendra Kumar (2007) Importance of surfactant adsorption in soil & ground water remediation. BTech thesis.
Varshney, Priya (2019) Development of Superhydrophobic Coatings on Metallic Surfaces for Industrial Applications. PhD thesis.
Vashishtha, Somya (2011) Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil by Microbial Consortium. BTech thesis.
Vikash, Kumar (2012) Synthesis of Dibenzyl Thioether using H2S and Anion Exchange Resin as Triphase Catalyst. BTech thesis.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 07:37:59 2025 IST.