Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Flow in High Speed Turbine using Fluent

Pradhan, Bidhan Kumar (2009) Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Flow in High Speed Turbine using Fluent. BTech thesis.

[img]PDF (Computational fluid analysis of flow in high speed turbine using fluent)


This project deals with the computational fluid dynamics analysis of flow in high speed turbine. This involves with the three dimensional analysis of flow through of a high turbine having radial inlet and axial outlet. The software used for this purpose are GAMBIT and FLUENT. The 3 D model of the parts of the turbine are made by GAMBIT and analysis are to be carried out by FLUENT. The models are first generated using the data and then are meshed and then various velocity and pressure contours are to be drawn and graphed in this paper to analyze the flow through the cryogenic turbine. Various graphs indicating the variation of velocity, pressure and temperature along the stream length of the turbine are given.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Radial Inlet, Axial Outlet, Gambit, Fluent, Stream length
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Cryogenics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:244
Deposited By:Bidhan Pradhan
Deposited On:12 May 2009 10:04
Last Modified:12 May 2009 10:04
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Supervisor(s):Sarangi, S K

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