CFD analysis of flow pattern in electrochemical machining

Sain, Suresh (2011) CFD analysis of flow pattern in electrochemical machining. BTech thesis.



Electrochemical machining is the advanced machining method and it has been applied to many highly specialize field like aerospace and medical industries. But, in this technology still we have many problems to overcome such as electrolytic processing and disposal of metal hydroxide sludge etc.. Many of machine tools used in this machining method works in a pulsating mode. So besides these vibrations we can’t get accuracy in the results. So to obtain the accurate results we have to overcome these problems, and CFD is considered to be the most powerful tool for that. But there is no such numerical method which can satisfactorily predict the flow. It is necessary to take into account that the unsteady character of electrolyte flow in the inter-electrode space. For this purpose orthogonal coordinate system it to introduce on the anode surface.
For the description of the electrolyte flow the system of the equation of preservation for mass of liquid and we have to find the solutions of different parameters used in this technology and also compare these quantities with the standard values. For these entire CFD analysis purpose one can use Gambit-Fluent software which can provide an overview about the machining parameters like, how they affect the process, which flow velocity is suitable for a particular value of current density.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:CFD , Flow pattern , E.C.M
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Computational Fluid Dynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:2452
Deposited By:Sain Suresh
Deposited On:17 May 2011 18:34
Last Modified:17 May 2011 18:34
Supervisor(s):Biswas, C K

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