Navigational Path Analysis of Mobile Robot in Various Environments

Singh, Mukesh Kumar (2009) Navigational Path Analysis of Mobile Robot in Various Environments. PhD thesis.



This dissertation describes work in the area of an autonomous mobile robot. The objective is navigation of mobile robot in a real world dynamic environment avoiding structured and unstructured obstacles either they are static or dynamic. The shapes and position of obstacles are not known to robot prior to navigation. The mobile robot has sensory recognition of specific objects in the environments. This sensory-information provides local information of robots immediate surroundings to its controllers. The information is dealt intelligently by the robot to reach the global objective (the target). Navigational paths as well as time taken during navigation by the mobile robot can be expressed as an optimisation problem and thus can be analyzed and solved using AI techniques. The optimisation of path as well as time taken is based on the kinematic stability and the intelligence of the robot controller. A successful way of structuring the navigation task deals with the issues of individual behaviour design and action coordination of the behaviours. The navigation objective is addressed using fuzzy logic, neural network, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and different other AI technique.The research also addresses distributed autonomous systems using multiple robots

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mobile Robot Navigation, AI Technique,Neuro-Fuzzy Controller
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:2739
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:29 Jun 2011 15:11
Last Modified:29 Jun 2011 15:11
Supervisor(s):Parhi, D R

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