Process Improvement Through Reverse Engineering

Soren, Rimil Sing (2009) Process Improvement Through Reverse Engineering. BTech thesis.



It has become increasingly important to become able to generate 3d shapes in commercial application using rapid prototyping technologies. In many cases shapes are taken from real world objects that do not have existing computer model. Creating an accurate model for these objects by hand is extremely time consuming and difficult. Therefore 3D scanner is used to capture the objects shape and create a high resolution model of the object. To able to reverse engineer we essentially have to reverse the design decisions. Following the transformation approach we can use the transformation of forward engineering methodology and apply them backwards. ZPrinter 310 plus has been used for producing 3D model directly from CAD model. ZP R 130 powder and ZB binder provided by Zcorporation were used to prepare the physical object. The variation of strength and hardness with respect to built direction is shown. Loctite 406, when added along with above powder and binder shows improvement in properties of the prototype.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Reverse Engineering; Rapid Prototyping; XRD(X-ray Diffraction); Shore D Hardness; Tensile Strength.
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:331
Deposited By:Rimil Singh Soren
Deposited On:13 May 2009 17:30
Last Modified:13 May 2009 17:30
Supervisor(s):Mahapatra, S S

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