Creep behavior of rock

Bhoi, Manas Ranjan (2012) Creep behavior of rock. BTech thesis.



Mining activities of minerals play a very important role on the health and wealth of any nation. Though technology has reduced the adverse effects to a great extent, it is still experiencing unpredictable behavior of rocks. The physical and mechanical properties of rocks are important design parameters of any excavation process. The consideration of time dependence is essential for the study of deformation and fracturing processes of rock material, especially for those subjected to strong compressive and tensile stresses. In this study creep test is conducted in chromite ore under uniaxial compressive stresses. The behavior of rock is investigated as well as strength of rock. Creep behavior of rocks has been evaluated at varying stress and temperature rate. The relationship between compressive stress and time under uniaxial compression has also been developed. Finally nonlinear creep model is used to describe the creep behaviors of rocks under uniaxial compressive strength

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:creep
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Mining Geomechanics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mining Engineering
ID Code:3766
Deposited By:BHOI MANAS
Deposited On:06 Jun 2012 14:35
Last Modified:06 Jun 2012 14:35
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Supervisor(s):Mishra, M K

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