Damping of composite materials with riveted joints

Chinthapatla, Nikhil (2012) Damping of composite materials with riveted joints. BTech thesis.



Vibration and noise reduction are crucial in maintaining high performance level and prolonging the useful life of machinery, automobiles, aerodynamic and spacecraft structures. It is observed that damping in materials occur due to energy release due to micro-slips along frictional interfaces and due to varying strain regions and interaction between the metals. But it was found that the damping effect in metals is quite small that it can be neglected. Damping in metals is due to the micro-slips along frictional interfaces. Composites, however, have better damping properties than structural metals and cannot be neglected. Typically, the range of composite damping begins where the best damped metal stops.
In the present work, theoretical analysis was done on various polymer matrix composite (glass fibre polyesters) with riveted joints by varying initial conditions. Strain energy loss was calculated to calculate the damping in composites. Using FEA model, load variation w.r.t time was observed and the strain energy loss calculated was utilised in finding the material damping for Carbon fibre epoxy with riveted joints. Various simulations were performed in ANSYS and these results were utilised to calculate the loss factor, Rayleigh‘s damping constants and logarithmic decrement.
These results can be used in designing machine tools, aircrafts, spacecraft‘s, satellites, missile systems and automobiles effectively to maximise the damping capacity and to improve their performances and the product life.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Composites,Damping,Riveted joints
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Structural Analysis
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:3775
Deposited On:06 Jun 2012 14:37
Last Modified:06 Jun 2012 14:37
Supervisor(s):Nanda, B K

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