Effect of copper on the properties of austempered ductile iron castings

Behera, Gourahari and Sohala, Soumya Ranjan (2012) Effect of copper on the properties of austempered ductile iron castings. BTech thesis.



Two types of ductile iron has been taken for the present investigation. Both austempering time and temperature are considered as the main variables for structure property correlation of Austempered Ductile Iron. The two types of spheroidal graphite iron (differ by copper percentage) were austempered at four differing austempering temperatures viz. 250oC, 300oC, 350oC and 400oC for 60min, 90 min and 120 min respectively. The effect of austempering variables on the mechanical properties of spheroidal graphite iron was investigated as a function of austempering time and temperature. The cooling rate and the quenching techniques followed in the present study plays an important role for the property development of spheroidal graphite iron. The tensile properties have been correlated with the graphite morphology for both grades of ADI. SEM micrographs have been taken from fracture surfaces of the tensile specimen under different austempering conditions. It has been found from the result that ADI having the alloying element (copper) achieved significant mechanical properties as compared to ADI without having copper throughout the different austempering processes adopted in this study.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:spheroidal graphite iron; ADI; austempering time and temperature; SEM analysis
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Metallurgical and Materials Science > Cast Iron
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
ID Code:3835
Deposited By:Mr Gourahari Behera
Deposited On:11 Jun 2012 14:25
Last Modified:11 Jun 2012 14:25
Supervisor(s):Sen, S

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