Design and development of an AGV using RF module

Pati, Pradeep Kumar (2007) Design and development of an AGV using RF module. BTech thesis.



Automated guided vehicles play an important role in the flexible manufacturing system. The project mainly deals with the design and development of an AGV and controlling it with computer through RF signals. This includes several steps
• Design of microcontroller on robot. Here ATMEGA 16 (AVR series of microcontroller) is used as it is enabled with all sorts of required features.
• Design of driving systems. Stepper motors are used.
• Design of communication systems. RF modules are to be used to communicate data between computer and AGV.
Driving system
Stepper motors are used to drive the AGV. They are controlled by ATMEGA 16 microcontroller and a driver chip to amplify the current to the motor.
The details of position and feedback should be sent to the central computer and instructions received to proceed to do further tasks. The communication has to be wireless to make things easier. Available RF modules are to be used which are serial in nature. But before that, the parallel data has to be converted into the serial data.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:AGV, RF module, ATMEGA
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:4288
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:06 Jul 2012 11:04
Last Modified:06 Jul 2012 11:04
Supervisor(s):Biswas, C K

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