Study of digital modulation techniques in the presence and absence of noise

Raghuvanshi , Sourabh Singh (2007) Study of digital modulation techniques in the presence and absence of noise. BTech thesis.



This project deals with study, design and construction of laboratory apparatus in Cryogenics Engineering and Vacuum Technology field. Project's aim is to develop such laboratory apparatus and model which can serve as the laboratory experiments for both undergraduate and post graduate students. This project work is broadly classified into two sub projects:--
1. Design & Construction of Cryogenic Apparatus
2. Design & Construction of various apparatus related to Vacuum Technology
In the cryogenic field, we are developing an apparatus which will use liquid nitrogen as the working fluid and will demonstrate various accessories of a basic cryogenic setup such as storage Dewars, insulated pipelines, valves etc. Also heat in leak measurement will be done with the help of two temperature measuring devices across a test pipeline. Level of vacuum is made variable by connecting it to a rotary pump through a buffer vessel. Design of various components is done like thickness and length of test pipeline, capacity of vaporizer, safety devices, calculations of heat transfer coefficients and inner & outer wall temperatures through a programmed iterative process is done. At last predicted nature of heat in leak variation with change in vacuum level is discussed and complete bill of materials is given. For Vacuum Technology lab, design and construction of various apparatus for conducting experiments related to vacuum science was to be done. Two apparatus, one for pumping speed measurement by constant volume method and other related to boiling point of water at room temperature ad reduced pressure, sound propagation n vacuum and forces in vacuum is designed and constructed. Also, experimental readings, tables & graphs for these experiments are documented so that they can be used as standard results. Apart from these, a vacuum apparatus for measurement of pumping speed by constant pressure method is designed and constructed by us in Vacuum Lab, IIT Kharagpur and results obtained are compared with that of constant pressure method. Bill of materials for setting this apparatus in our institute is given. Design of an apparatus for measurement of conductance of vacuum pipes & that of overall conductance of a number of pipes of different diameters in parallel is completed. Bill of materials for the same is suggested. Designing of new vacuum vessels to be purchased for Vacuum & Cryogenics Lab, NIT Rourkela is also done using Roark’s formulas for stress and strain. Vessel design supported with calculations and number of figures is also given.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Modulation techniques, Presence absence noise
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:4291
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:06 Jul 2012 14:26
Last Modified:06 Jul 2012 14:26
Supervisor(s):Sarangi, S K

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