A Survey of different classification techniques and their comparison using Mc Nemar’s Test

Patra , Sandeep Kumar and Prasad, Cheerala Sharat Chandra Santosh (2013) A Survey of different classification techniques and their comparison using Mc Nemar’s Test. BTech thesis.



Five classification algorithms namely J48, Naive Bayes, K Nearest Neighbour, IBK and Decision Tree are evaluated using Mc Nemar’s test over datasets including both nominal attributes and numeric attributes. It was found that K Nearest Neighbor performed better than the other classification methods for both nominal datasets and numerical datasets. It was also observed that the results of this evaluation confers with two other evaluation metrics used for evaluating classification algorithms or machine learning algorithms, Root Mean Squared Error and Kappa statistic.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Classifier Evaluation, Mc Nemar’s test, Z score, Confidence level, Null Hypothesis
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Data Mining
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:4642
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:22 Oct 2013 16:43
Last Modified:20 Dec 2013 14:20
Supervisor(s):Mohapatra, R K

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