Study of Sloshing Effects in a Cylindrical Tank With and Without Baffles under Linear Acceleration

Kumar , Niraj (2013) Study of Sloshing Effects in a Cylindrical Tank With and Without Baffles under Linear Acceleration. MTech thesis.



Any motion of liquid surface is termed as a sloshing. It can be caused by any disturbance to
partially filled liquid container. So to constitute a slosh dynamic of liquid, liquid must have free
surface. The slosh dynamic of liquid alters the system dynamic or stability significantly
when liquid is interact with the container. The motion of liquid with a free surface is of great
concern in many engineering disciplines such as propellant slosh in spacecraft, rockets
(especially upper stages), cargo slosh in ship and trucks transporting liquid (for example oil and
gasoline) etc. To reduce the sloshing in moving container baffle is used as suppressing device.
The aim of the present simulation to study the variation of force and moment caused by sloshing,
when the tank is subjected to longitudinal and combined longitudinal and lateral acceleration,
with transverse and transverse baffle with hole. In the present study a 3-D transient analysis of a
fuel tank to acceleration field is done by using ANSYS-FLUENT v13.0. The model used in the
simulation is multiphase with volume of fluid (VOF) for tracing of interface. Simulation is
carried out for 20 sec by using variable time.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sloshing, baffle, multiphase, volume of fluid (VOF), transverse baffle, transverse baffle with holes.
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Computational Fluid Dynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:5147
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:10 Dec 2013 10:51
Last Modified:20 Dec 2013 15:29
Supervisor(s):Satapathy , A K

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