Modeling for the steady state production of large open cast mines- case study

Manadhata, Chitransu (2013) Modeling for the steady state production of large open cast mines- case study. BTech thesis.



The steady state production mainly depends on the availability of the machines, their breakdown, maintenance schedule and reduction in their idle-time that is increasing their availability increases/ maximizes their utility. I have prepared the work-sheet for a shovel-dumper combination and following it I have analyzed break-down record by the distribution of random numbers so as to minimize the preventive maintenance and increase their availability to maximize productivity. The break-down of different machines was analyzed with random numbers distribution. The events falls under a fixed random number distribution range. Hence a clear idea can be made for the break-down of machineries and thus precautions to be taken to maintain a steady-state production.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:-state; Random Numbers; Shovel-Dumper
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Mining Industry
Engineering and Technology > Mining Engineering > Open Cast Mining
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mining Engineering
ID Code:5324
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:17 Dec 2013 10:56
Last Modified:17 Dec 2013 10:56
Supervisor(s):Pal, B K

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