Experimental studies on pressure drop for flow through tubes using twisted galvanised iron wire insert with and without baffles

Subudhi, Sarthak (2014) Experimental studies on pressure drop for flow through tubes using twisted galvanised iron wire insert with and without baffles. BTech thesis.



This project work, “Experimental studies on pressure drop for flow through tubes using Galvanised Iron wire insert with and without baffles” was undertaken in a view of studying the effect of turbulence on pressure drop of a heat exchanger. Most of the commercial, domestic and industrial applications where conversion or utilisation of energy is involved require a heat exchange process. This project deals with the introduction of three and four Galvanised Iron wires with and without baffles as passive augmentation device. The baffles used in the experiment were made up of thin tin sheets. By introduction of these inserts in the flow path of liquid in the inner tube of heat exchanger the effect of turbulence on pressure drop was observed. It was compared with the value of smooth tube. The effect of baffle was also taken into account and a comparative study was made on the basis of varying baffle space (â=24,12 & 6cm). The flow rate was varied from 350-1250 litres/hour. All the readings and results were compared with the standard data from the smooth tube. The friction factor for inserts without baffles was in range of 1.31-4.28 and with baffles was in range of 2.38-21.87. The pressure drop reading was found to increase with decreasing baffle space. The friction factor was highest for the four wire insert with 6cm baffle spacing.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Galvanised iron wire insert; heat exchanger; pressure drop; baffle spacing
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:6358
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:09 Sep 2014 20:34
Last Modified:09 Sep 2014 20:34
Supervisor(s):Agarwal, S K

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