Experimental study and modeling of diesel engine fueled with rubber seed oil

Dehury, Sourprakash (2014) Experimental study and modeling of diesel engine fueled with rubber seed oil. BTech thesis.



The huge expand in number of vehicles as of late has brought about extraordinary interest for petroleum items. With unrefined petroleum stores assessed to last just for few decades. Numerous nations import more unrefined petroleum causes colossal remote trade out-go from one viewpoint and expanding fumes emanation on the other. Hence there has been a dynamic quest for interchange fills like biodiesel to give a suitable diesel substitute to inside ignition motors.The rubber seed oil based bio-diesel offer an extremely swearing up and down to alternative to diesel. The acid value for rubberseed oil is high. Two stage esterification i.e. acid catalyzed transesterification took after by basic/base catalyzed trans-esterification is created to prepare biodiesel from high FFA rubberseed oil. The motor energized with diesel and mixes of rubber seed oil based bio-diesel. The destination of the present study is examining the utilization of mixes of rubber seed oil based bio-diesel on execution and outflow qualities of a diesel motor contrasted with that of diesel. Motor execution with biodiesel does not contrast significantly from that of diesel fuel. The trial outcomes demonstrated that the utilization of rubber seed oil based biodiesel is suitable elective to diesel. The lack of the fossil fuel, ecological contamination and sustenance emergency are the world's significant issues in mongrel-rent period. Biodiesel is an elective to diesel fuel, environment agreeable and biodegradable and is prepared from either eatable or non-consumable oils. In this study, non-edible rubber seed oil (RSO) with high free fatty acid (FFA) substance of 45% was utilized for the generation of biodiesel. The procedure includes two steps. The principal step is the acid esterification to lessen the FFA worth and the second step is the base trans-esterification.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Diesel engine; biodiesel; modelling
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Automobile Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:6359
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:09 Sep 2014 20:39
Last Modified:09 Sep 2014 20:39
Supervisor(s):Murugan, S

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