Number of items at this level: 57.
Acharya, Soham (2014) Mathematical modeling of bioethanol fueled DI diesel engine. BTech thesis.
B., Chetankumar (2018) Performance Study of an Automotive Fresh Air Subwoofer. MTech thesis.
Barik, Debabrata (2016) Experimental studies on Biogas Production and Its Utilization in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Run on Dual Fuel Mode. PhD thesis.
Baruah, Madhurya and Rakshin, H A (2010) Design and Fabrication of a Gear Box Motor Current Analysis System. BTech thesis.
Behera, Debiprasad (2010) Study on the performance and Emission characteristics using castor and mustard seed oil mixture and diesel blend in C.I Engine. BTech thesis.
Behera, Jyoti Ranjan (2014) Investigation and proximate analysis of carbon black from waste tyre. BTech thesis.
Bendu, Harisankar (2017) Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ethanol Fueled HCCI Engine. PhD thesis.
Bhivate, Parth (2011) Modelling & development of antilock braking system. BTech thesis.
Buddala, Raviteja (2019) A meta-heuristic approach for solving flexible flow-shop and job-shop scheduling problems. PhD thesis.
Chaine, Sarat Chandra (2020) Investigation of Micro-drilling of Aerospace Materials: Modeling and Optimization. PhD thesis.
Chouhan , Abhijeet Singh (2018) Balancing and Control Strategy of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Mobile Robot using Hybrid PSO-Fuzzy-PID Controller. MTech thesis.
Dani, Debasis (2012) Reduction of NOx in diesel engine using diesel water emulsion. BTech thesis.
Das, Geetanjali (2016) Processing, Characterization and Erosion Wear Behaviour of Coir Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites. MTech by Research thesis.
Debta, Malaya Kumar (2023) Surface Modification of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Depositing MMC Coating with Variant of Matrix Phases through TIG Cladding Method. PhD thesis.
Dehury, Sourprakash (2014) Experimental study and modeling of diesel engine fueled with rubber seed oil. BTech thesis.
Dundur, S T (2005) Slipline Field Analysis of Deformation In Metal Machining with Worn Tool with Adhesion Friction in Contact Regions. PhD thesis.
Ekka, Sandip Belas (2013) Comparative studies on engine behavior in a DI diesel engine fueled with UTO at different compression ratios. MTech thesis.
Ganguly, Krishanu (2021) Modelling and Analysis of Various Issues in Viscoelastic Composite Rotors. PhD thesis.
Hansdah, Dulari (2015) Experimental Studies on Partial Substitution of Diesel With Bioethanol (Derived From Madhuca Indica Flowers) Using Different Techniques. PhD thesis.
Jaiswal, Abhash (2011) Effect of hydrogen induction on co mbustion, performance and emission behaviour of compression ignition engine using used transformer oil as a main fuel. MTech thesis.
Khayum, Naseem (2021) Studies on a Dual Fuel Engine with a Waste Heat Recovery Unit. PhD thesis.
Kishor, Kaushal (2015) Design and Fabrication of Intake and Exhaust Manifold of a Prototype Race Car. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Neeraj (2009) Experimental Investigation of Faulty Gearbox Using Motor Current Signature Analysis. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Pankaj (2012) Performance and emission charactersistics of eucalyptus oil and gasoline blend in four sroke multi cylinder petrol engine. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Priyadarshi Biplab (2019) Motion Planning Strategies for Humanoid Robots Using Computational Intelligent Techniques with Computer Vision Assistance. PhD thesis.
Kumar , Anshuman (2018) Effects of Cryo-Treatment on the Cut Qualities of Ti-6al-4v Eli Alloy During Wire-Edm Operation. MTech thesis.
Mahapatra, Shubharanshu Shekhar (2014) Experimentation and Evaluation of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil. BTech thesis.
Meda, Venkata Saikumar (2011) Optimization of Induction Length and Flow Rates of Acetylene in Diesel Engine. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Swagatika (2013) Studies on some aspects of agility appraisement: empirical research and case studies in Indian perspective. PhD thesis.
Mishra , Vivek Kumar (2018) Development of A Test Facility and Measurement of Performance of A Three Stream (He/He/He) Plate Fin Heat Exchanger. MTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Chinmoy Krushna (2011) Computer aided analysis of balancing of multi cylinder radial and v- engines. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Kasinath Das (2018) Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Machining Ti-6Al-4V Spur Gears Using WEDM Process. PhD thesis.
Nayak, Shreemoy Kumar (2015) Design of Kinetic Energy Recovery System for Bicycle. BTech thesis.
Nayak , Rakesh Rajan (2018) Experimental Study of Biogas Production & its Utilization in CI Engine in Dual Fuel Mode. MTech thesis.
Panda, Sunil Kumar (2012) Reduction of NOx emission in diesel engine using Exhaust Gas Recirculation. BTech thesis.
Pandey, Anish (2016) Mobile Robot Navigation in Static and Dynamic Environments using Various Soft Computing Techniques. PhD thesis.
Pandey, Krishna Kant (2020) Intelligent Trajectory Planning and Navigational Analysis of Wheeled Mobile Robot in Cluttered Workspace. PhD thesis.
Patle, Bhumeshwar Kunjilal (2016) Intelligent Navigational Strategies For Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Artificial Hybrid Methodologies. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Protsahan (2013) Comparative study of different adsorbent materials in a charcoal canister. BTech thesis.
Pradhan , Pullak (2018) A Reduced Model of Higher Order Composite Rotor using Balanced Realization Technique. MTech thesis.
Pullagura, Gandhi (2011) Effect of hydrogen enrichment on the performance emissions and combustion parameters of a complete biofueled diesel engine. MTech thesis.
Rajasekhar, M (2016) Dynamic Analysis, Identification and Control Studies of Aero-Engine Model Rotor-Bearing Systems. PhD thesis.
Rath, Deepali (2011) Development of a gasifier for fueling of a diesel engine. BTech thesis.
Rawat, R (2010) Design & Development of a Pyrolysis Reactor. BTech thesis.
Ray, Saroj (2013) Analysis of combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with alternative fuel by thermodynamic modeling. BTech thesis.
Sah , Sudhir (2014) Design and development of a packedbed scrubber for upgradation of biogas using a closed-loop process: An
economical and environmental approach. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Abhishek (2017) Investigations of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Run on Non Petroleum Fuel Blends. PhD thesis.
Sharma, Nittin (2010) To obtain a mixture of acetylene and turpentine oil in DI CI engine. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Rahul (2010) Computer-Aided Analysis of Balancing of Multi-Cylinder Inline and V Engines. BTech thesis.
Shrivastava, Vinay (2012) Design and development of downdraft gasifier for operating CI engine on dual fuel mode. MTech thesis.
Singh, A K (2014) Analysis of Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled With Ethanol as an Alternate Fuel. BTech thesis.
Swain, Saumya Kanta (2013) Recycling of Waste Tyres: A Possible Option for Deriving Energy. BTech thesis.
Swar, Avinash (2018) Experimental Study of a Diesel Engine Using Pretreated Biogas on Dual Fuel Mode at Different Injection Timings. MTech thesis.
Toppo, Niraj (2013) Determination of sauter mean diameter of four different fuels and their effects on performance and emission in a CI engine. MTech thesis.
Varma, Penumatsa Lokesh (2012) Characterization of bio-oil and biodiesel blends. BTech thesis.
Vimal , Prashant Mahesh (2018) CFD Analysis of Fluid Flow in Centrifugal Compressor. MTech thesis.
Wamankar, Arun Kumar (2015) Experimental Studies on Analysis,Performance,Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of Carbon blends as Fuel in a CI Engine. PhD thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 06:44:15 2025 IST.