Investigation and proximate analysis of carbon black from waste tyre

Behera, Jyoti Ranjan (2014) Investigation and proximate analysis of carbon black from waste tyre. BTech thesis.



The disposal of waste tire is increasing day by day at exponential rate. This waste tyre covers a huge amount of valuable land area and can also create a threat of fire accident. The world produces 1.5 billion scrap tires per year are produced and a major portion of which come from India and China (41%). A better solution from an environmental and economic standpoint is to thermally reprocess the tires into valuable products such as activated carbon, other solid carbon forms (carbon black, graphite, and carbon fibers), and liquid fuels to use it more effectively. One of the thermal processes is pyrolysis that waste tyres can be converted into gas, oil and solid product. For instance, solid product can be used as carbon black with some quality improvements especially removal of ash and sulphur. Due to the presence of high ash content limits its application in different products. The pyrolytic carbon black (CB) obtained was contaminated by various additives of the original tyre. Contaminants were also produced by chemical reactions occurring in the pyrolysis reactor. The carbon black obtained from pyrolysis of waste tyre contains some unnecessary metal content, so we need to separate the metal content so that we take maximum advantage of activated carbon.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Waste Tyre; Carbon Black: Pyrolysis
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Automobile Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:6407
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:11 Sep 2014 10:41
Last Modified:11 Sep 2014 10:41
Supervisor(s):Murugan, S

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