High security image encryption by 3stage process

Agrawa], Sourav Kumar (2014) High security image encryption by 3stage process. BTech thesis.



As a result of the development of computer network technology, communication of in- formation through personal computer is becoming more convenient. Meanwhile, it also gives hackers opportunities to attack the network. Therefore the security is now an important issue for multimedia communications. Image compression and image encryption are pivotal to proper storage and transmission of images. Simultaneous image compression and encryption aims at achieving enhanced bandwidth utilization and security at the same time. The concepts used here are : Chinese Reminder Theorem, Chaotic map, Bit plane mix- ing. The use of chaotic mixing increases the security of the proposed method and provides the additional feature of imperceptible encryption of the image owner logo in the host image. The image coding results, calculated from actual image size and encoded im- age le, are comparable to the results obtained through much more sophisticated and computationally complex methods. In addition, the algorithm has been applied to the scenario of image multiplexing in order to obtain enhanced level of security along with compression. Here one layer of encryption involves bit plane mixing. Encrypted and compressed image is applied to hiding algorithms. The idea behind our proposed method is, the cover image will be altered based upon the secret image. The secret image will be split into number of blocks and these blocks will be shued intellectually and then it will be merged with the cover image to generate the Segno image. Our proposed method, originally designed for dealing with color images, but also be extended to for grayscale images. Experimental results show that our proposed method improves the security and makes the information hacking hard.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Image Hiding ,Encryption, Compresscryption, Chinese Reminder Theoram
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Computer and Information Science > Image Processing
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Computer Science
ID Code:6467
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:12 Sep 2014 10:59
Last Modified:12 Sep 2014 10:59
Supervisor(s):Majhi, B

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