Study of Motion Control of A Flexible Link

Mishra, Swadheen Satyakam (2015) Study of Motion Control of A Flexible Link. BTech thesis.



20th century has witnessed massive upsurge in the use of manipulators in several industries especially in space, defense, and medical industries. Among the types of manipulators used, single link manipulators are the most widely used. A single link robotic manipulator is nothing but a link controlled by an actuator to carry out a particular function such as placing a payload from point A to point B. For low power requirements single link manipulators are made up of light weight materials which require flexibility considerations.Flexibility makes the dynamics of the link heavily non-linear which induces vibrations and overshoot. In this project initially the dynamic model of rigid flexible manipulator is explained, then the state space model of the manipulator system is incorporated into MATLAB. The link flexibility is studied by a single beam FEmodel, where expressions for kinetic and potential energyare employed to derive the torqueequation.The 3 flexible link equations are coupled in terms of 3 variables, θ, Ø and v. The tip angle is finally given aslvfor flexible case whereas for the rigid manipulator the tip angle is same as the hub angle θ. Thereforeaccurate computation of v is very important. The joint flexibility is excluded from analysis.Several comparisons were made between the rigid and flexible link for torque requirement. The relation between the trajectory and hub angle is also plotted in a graph.Finally a PD controller taking the errors and its derivative is designed based on the rigid link dynamics.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Single Flexible Link Manipulator, Rigid link, Inverse Kinematics
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:7237
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:25 Mar 2016 17:47
Last Modified:25 Mar 2016 17:47
Supervisor(s):Srinivas, J

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