An Experimental Study of Hydraulic Jump Due to Moving Jet Impingement

Janghel, Mithilesh Kumar (2015) An Experimental Study of Hydraulic Jump Due to Moving Jet Impingement. MTech thesis.



The objective of this project work is to study experimentally the hydraulic jump with a moving jet impingement on a glass plate surface. The jet strikes the horizontally placed glass plate and the jump occur which is investigated with different flow rate and discussed here in detail. Hydraulic jump of two different variety has been observed in this study when jet is stationary with respect to horizontal glass plate and moving. When jet is stationary with higher angle of jet inclination, smooth curve is appeared at the jump location, and for lower angle of jet inclination, curve with sharp change in profile is observed. Radius of hydraulic jump and the profile formed due to variation in flow rate are studied experimentally. When jet is in still condition we found that the radius of hydraulic jump increases with the flow rate and elliptical shape is formed due to jet inclination and when it moves normally with respect to horizontal glass plate a semicircular shape occur in the direction of jet movement. The result are found out for hydraulic jump with variation of flow rate through graph and validate with existing results of literature. The jet is moved by the means of slider crank mechanism

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hydraulic jump, Jet impingement.
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Computational Fluid Dynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:7344
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:23 May 2016 10:26
Last Modified:23 May 2016 10:26
Supervisor(s):Moharana, M K

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