Estimation of Parameters in Exponentiated-Weibull Distribution in Presence of Mask Data

Mohanta, Mitragupta (2015) Estimation of Parameters in Exponentiated-Weibull Distribution in Presence of Mask Data. MSc thesis.



When the lifetime data from the series system are masked, we consider the reliability estimation of exponentiated-Weibull distribution based on different masking level. We consider a series system of two independent component which follows exponentiated- Weibull distribution. Maximum Likelihood Estimators (mle) of the unknown parameters are derived for different masking level. Finally, numerical simulation studies are done to obtain the values of the mles. We also obtain the percentile errors of the estimators.

Item Type:Thesis ( MSc)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Estimation, Exponentiated-Weibull Distribution, Mask Data, Maximum Likelihood Estimators, Pareto distribution
Subjects:Mathematics and Statistics > Statistics
Divisions: Sciences > Department of Mathematics
ID Code:7559
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:18 Sep 2016 21:54
Last Modified:18 Sep 2016 21:54
Supervisor(s):Kayal, S

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