Execution of a Voice - Based Attendence System

Barpanda, Siddharth Sagar (2015) Execution of a Voice - Based Attendence System. BTech thesis.



Speech Recognition is the methodology of consequently perceiving a certain word talked by a specific speaker taking into account singular data included in speech waves. This system makes it conceivable to utilize the speaker's voice to confirm his/her personality and give controlled access to administrations like voice based biometrics, database access administrations, voice based dialling, phone message and remote access to PCs. Speech processing front end for extricating the feature set is a critical stage in any voice recognition system. The ideal list of capabilities is still not yet chosen however the limitless endeavours of scientists. There are numerous sorts of highlights, which are determined distinctively and have great effect on the acknowledgment rate. This project shows one of the strategies to extract the feature from a voice signal, which can be utilized as a part of speech acknowledgment system. The key is to change the speech wave to some kind of parametric representation (at an impressively lower data rate) for further examination and processing. This is frequently known as the voice processing front end. An extensive variety of potential outcomes exist for parametrically speaking to the discourse signal for the speaker acknowledgment undertaking, for example, Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC), Linear Prediction Coding (LPC), and others. MFCC is maybe the best known and generally prominent, furthermore, these will be utilized as a part of this undertaking. MFCCs are in view of the known variety of the human ear’s discriminating transmission capacities with recurrence channels dispersed sprightly at low frequencies and logarithmically at high frequencies have been utilized to catch the phonetically essential qualities of discourse. Nonetheless, another key normal for discourse is semi stationary, i.e. it is brief time stationary which is contemplated and investigated utilizing brief time, recurrence space examination. In this project work, I have built a straightforward yet completed and agent automatic speaker recognition (ASR) framework, as connected to a voice based attention framework, i.e., a speech based access control system. To attain to this, I had to first made a relative investigation of the MFCC approach with the Time space approach for acknowledgment by simulating both these strategies utilizing MATLAB 7.0 and investigating the consistency of acknowledgment utilizing both the procedures. The voice based attendance system is based with respect to confined or one word recognition. A specific speaker articulates the secret word once in the instructional course so as to prepare and store the highlights of the entrance word. While in the testing session the speaker articulates the secret key again to accomplish acknowledgment if there is a match. The highlight vectors interesting to that speaker are acquired in the preparation stage and this is made utilization of later on to allow validation to the same speaker who at the end of the day expresses the same word in the testing stage. At this stage a gate crasher can likewise test the framework to test the inalienable security include by expressing the same word.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:DSP, speech processing, MFCC, Time Domain Analysis
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Signal Processing
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:7584
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:24 May 2016 12:44
Last Modified:24 May 2016 12:44
Supervisor(s):Sahoo, U K

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