Number of items at this level: 198.
Bhuyan, Sandeepa and Patel, Priyesh (2013) Diagnosis of ECG arrhythmias in wireless telecardiology. BTech thesis.
Gautam, Girish (2013) Biometric identification using analysis of cardiac sound. MTech thesis.
Kumar, S (2014) Transform domain filtering in incremental and diffusion strategies over distributed networks. MTech thesis.
Mankar , Abhishek (2013) FPGA Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform Core Using NEDA. MTech thesis.
Panda, Adyasha (2013) Habitat Monitoring using wireless sensor networks. BTech thesis.
Patel , Shefalirani (2013) Interference Suppression in WCDMA with Adaptive Thresholding based Decision Feedback Equaliser. MTech thesis.
Ray, Subhanjan (2015) Object Tracking in Audio-Visual Scene. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Ripan Kumar (2013) Computationally efficient distributed minimum wilcoxon norm. MTech thesis.
., Neharika (2018) Design of a Heart Rate Monitoring System Using Photoplethysmography. MTech thesis.
., Nitin (2018) Robot Control Using Motor Imagery in Real Time. MTech thesis.
A, Madhu (2008) DSP implementation of OFDM acoustic modem. MTech thesis.
Acharya, Debiprasad Priyabrata (2008) Development of Novel Independent Component Analysis Techniques and their Applications. PhD thesis.
Acharya, Pratima (2016) Performance Analysis of Model Predictive Control For Distillation Column. MTech thesis.
Adithya, Godishala (2015) Denoising of ECG Signal Using TMS320C6713 Processor. BTech thesis.
Agrawal, Sonu (2013) Design and Analysis of Hexagonal Shaped Fractal Antennas. MTech thesis.
Allemneny, Raghuveer (2006) Bacterial Foraging Based Channel Equalizers. MTech thesis.
Anangi, Sailaja (2010) New Approaches to Pulse Compression Techniques of Phase-Coded Waveforms in Radar. MTech thesis.
Anumala, Udayeni (2017) Median Filtering Forensics for JPEG
Compressed Images. MTech thesis.
Arya, Sudhanshu (2017) An Efficient Likelihood Based Automatic Modulation Classification For SISO And MIMO Wireless Communication Systems. MTech thesis.
Baddiri, Sandeep (2017) Human Identification using Gait. MTech thesis.
Badgotia, Kamal Dheeriya (2015) Experimental Study on Finding Audio-visual Association by Maximizing Mutual Information. MTech thesis.
Baghel, Vikas (2009) Multiobjective Optimization — New Formulation
and Application to Radar Signal Processing. MTech thesis.
Bahali, Santanu Kumar and Dash, Subrat (2009) Design of Phase Locked Loop. BTech thesis.
Barla, Abhilasha (2017) Analysis of Audio and Video in an AudioVisual Scene for Feature Extraction. MTech thesis.
Barmate, Pali (2018) Performance Study of a Cooperative Communication using Receive Antenna Selection and Transmit Beam-forming. MTech thesis.
Barpanda, Siddharth Sagar (2015) Execution of a Voice - Based Attendence System. BTech thesis.
Behera, Sasmita Kumari (2009) Fast ICA for Blind Source Separation and its Implementation. MTech thesis.
Bharadwaj, Diksha (2018) Application of Compressive Sensing in Wideband Cognitive Radio Network. MTech thesis.
Bhoi, Nilamani (2009) Development of Some Novel Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Digital Image Filters. PhD thesis.
Biswal, Akankshya (2015) Gain Based Quality Computation in WDM Routing. MTech thesis.
Biswal, Manas Ranjan (2017) Some Studies on RF Measurement and Modeling for Assessment of Radiation Hazard. MTech by Research thesis.
Bute, Rakesh (2016) Robotic Vehicle Control Using Brain Computer Interface. MTech thesis.
Ch, Pradeep (2007) Text dependent speaker recognition using MFCC and LBG VQ. MTech thesis.
Chadar, Sameer (2016) Machine learning and Kalman Filter based Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Chandra, Komal (2016) The Study of Robust Kalman Filter On Linear and Non-Linear Systems. MTech thesis.
Chaturvedi, Jalaj (2015) Electrocardiogram Signal Compression and Decompression. BTech thesis.
Chebolu, Venkatesh (2015) Beamforming With Multi cell Coordination. MTech thesis.
Das, Abhishek and Dash, Suraj (2012) Design and Implementation of FPGA based linear All Digital Phase-Locked Loop for Signal Processing Applications. BTech thesis.
Das, Ansuman DiptiSankar (2013) Efficient multiplier-less VLSI architectures for folded pipelined complex FFT core. MTech thesis.
Das, Manab Kumar (2015) Electrocardiogram Signal Analysis for Heartbeat Pattern Classification. PhD thesis.
Das, Sambit Kumar and Mishra, Rohan (2007) GSM Based Display ToolKit. BTech thesis.
Das, Subash Chandra (2016) Pattern Classification Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network. MTech thesis.
Das, Swagat and Jena, Swastik (2013) Radar Pulse Compression Using Frequency Modulated Signal. BTech thesis.
Das, Tanmaya Kumar (2021) RFID Antennas for Biomedical Applications. PhD thesis.
Dash, R and Ghosh, D (2010) Design Analysis of PLL Components. BTech thesis.
G, Arun Rajsekhar (2008) Real time speaker recognition using MFCC and VQ. MTech thesis.
G, Neresh (2015) Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. MTech thesis.
Gamidi, Venkata Rajesh (2009) Semi Blind Time Domain Equalization for MIMO-OFDM Systems. MTech thesis.
George, Nithin V (2009) S Transform: Time Frequency Analysis & Filtering. MTech thesis.
Gorpuni, Pavankumar (2009) Development of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Comression. MTech thesis.
Grandhe, Jagmohan Rao (2007) A novel off-line character recognition: an MLP approach. MTech thesis.
Guha, Devi Rani (2011) Artificial Neural Network Based Channel Equalization. MTech by Research thesis.
Gupta, Ishita (2013) Implementation of a Single IFFT Block based Partial Transmit Sequence Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Raviranjan (2015) Fetal ECG Extraction Methods. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Saurav (2019) Distributed Strategies for Nonlinear System Identification. PhD thesis.
Hiremath, Shrishailayya M (2019) On Some Signal Processing Algorithms Applicable to Cognitive Radio Communication. PhD thesis.
Jain, Pavan Kumar and Md., Anish (2012) Design of FFT processor. BTech thesis.
Jain, Shikha (2017) Real Time Face Recognition. MTech thesis.
Jain , Deepak (2017) Moving Object Detection and Recognition. MTech thesis.
Jayaswal, Amit Kumar (2018) Design and Prototyping of a Low-Cost Portable Ventilator. MTech thesis.
Jena, Anshuman (2015) Blind Beamforming on a Randomly Distributed Sensor Array System. BTech thesis.
Joshi, Jayati (2017) Face Recognition via Sparse Representation. MTech thesis.
Kakde, Bhavana (2018) Content-Based Image Retrieval. MTech thesis.
Kanithi, Anil kumar (2011) Study of Spatial and Transform Domain Filters for Efficient Noise Reduction. MTech thesis.
Kapgate, Sachin Nimbraj (2018) Distributed Least Mean Square Volterra Model for the Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using WSNs. MTech thesis.
Karmakar, Rajdeep and Minz, Nabin Bismay Prakash (2007) Resolving Power of Optical Instruments Using Finite Element Method. BTech thesis.
Kiran, Kappala Vinod (2015) Estimation and Analysis of Free Space Optics Link Margin for Quality Based Network Routing. MTech thesis.
Kodali, Sai Krishna (2015) Object Tracking using Kalman and Particle filtering Techniques. MTech thesis.
Kolli, Vijay Ramya (2011) Side lobe supression techniques for polyphase codes in radar. MTech thesis.
Kommareddy , Raja N Reddy (2013) Fetal ECG extraction using wiener, SVD and ICA algorithms. MTech thesis.
Kommu, Ayyanna (2007) Study of some fingerprint verfication algorithms. MTech thesis.
Krishna , Choppa Vivek (2015) Spatial Sensor Network Based Target Tracking By Classification. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Chandan (2014) Development of Efficient Radar Pulse Compression Technique for Frequency Modulated Pulses. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Kaspa Sudheer (2015) EEG Processing for Fast and Efficient Analysis. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Mrigendra (2016) Sidelobe Suppression in Pulse Compresssed Radar Signal. MTech thesis.
KUMAR, P Sujith (2008) Various nonlinear models and their identification, equalization and linearization. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Praveen (2016) IoT and GUI based Monitoring as well as Control of Home Appliances. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Rajesh (2015) Development of Three Lead ECG Machine. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Ronit (2015) Study and Analysis of Different Channel Encoding and Decoding Techniques. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Sappati Vinodh (2016) Distributed Robust Estimation of Space-Time Varying Parameter over Distributed Network. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Sunil (2016) Ocular Artifacts Removal from Electroencephalographic (EEG) Signals. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Varun (2014) Modeling and signal processing of GPR system. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Vinod (2015) RADAR Signal Processing Using Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques. MTech thesis.
Kumar , Deepesh (2013) P300 Detection for Brain Computer Interface. MTech thesis.
Kumari, Rupam (2013) Surface Parameter Estimation by Inverse Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar. MTech thesis.
Lalitha, Karnati Venkata Naga (2015) Grayscale Digital Halftoning Using Optimization Techniques. MTech thesis.
Locharla, Govinda Rao (2018) Variable length FFT/IFFT Processor: Algorithm to Architecture Mapping and Implementation. PhD thesis.
Mahapatra, Chinmaya (2009) Application of Signal Processing and Soft Computing To Genomics. BTech thesis.
Maiti, Subrata (2017) Analytical Modelling of Ultra-Wide Band Ground Penetrating Radar for Characterization of Subsurface Media. PhD thesis.
Majhi, Babita (2009) On Applications of New Soft and Evolutionary Computing Techniques to Direct and Inverse Modeling Problems. PhD thesis.
Maji, Pallab (2011) Application of Residue Arithmetic in Communication and Signal Processing. MTech thesis.
Mandal, Swati (2017) Hand Gesture Recognition Using Fusion of Features. MTech thesis.
Mathukia, Sunny kumar Lalitbhai (2018) Design of Coriolis mass flow meter. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Anoop Kumar (2018) Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relaying Systems with Channel Estimation Error and RF Impairments. PhD thesis.
Mishra, Anubhav and Jena, Swagat (2011) Performance Evaluation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing using 16-bit Irregular Data Formats. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Ila and Sadangi, Debashish (2009) Non Linear Blind Source Separation Using Different Optimization Techniques. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Saroj Kumar (2006) Design , Development and Performance Evaluation of Intelligence Sensors. MTech by Research thesis.
Modalavalasa, Sowjanya (2015) Incremental Adaptive Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Mohan, C Chandra (2008) FFT and FIR Filter implementations for the DSL
MODEMS. MTech thesis.
Mohanta, Sunita (2013) A Labview Based Data Acquisition System for Monitoring and Analysis of Vibration Signal. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Shashi Bhushan (2016) H∞ Filter Design for Networked Control System. MTech thesis.
Moharana, Swavab Sourav and Patro, Prateek Kumar (2009) Simulations of Networks in OPNET and Implementation of OFDM in ADS. BTech thesis.
Mondal, Debojyoti (2017) Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Materials. MTech thesis.
Mr., Anurag (2017) Gait Recognition and its Application in Biometric. MTech thesis.
Mr., Rishabh (2017) Robust Face Recognition. MTech thesis.
Ms, Shalini (2017) Handwritten Hindi Character Recognition. MTech thesis.
Murmu, Manas (2008) Application of Digital Signal Processing on TMS320C6713 DSK. BTech thesis.
Mutyala Rao, T Covinda (2007) Effects of Fixed Point FFT Implementation of Wireless LAN. MTech thesis.
N, Brinda (2017) Fast Global Motion Estimation for Compressed domain videos. MTech thesis.
N N, Niyas (2016) Patient Specific Electrocardiogram Beat Classification using Expectation Maximization Algorithm. MTech thesis.
Nadakudity, Sai Sita Anusha (2015) Object Tracking from Audio and Video data using Linear Prediction method. MTech thesis.
Nagaraju, Bhargav (2016) Study of a Preferable Compression Plane for Video Coding. MTech thesis.
Naidu, Ramesh G. (2007) MP3 Hardware and Audio Decoder. MTech thesis.
Naik, B Balaji (2008) Performance analysis of turbo coded OFDM in wireless application. MTech thesis.
Naru, Satish Kumar Reddy (2016) ECG Signal Reconstruction Using Interacting Multiple Model. MTech thesis.
Nayak, LaxmiKanta (2015) Audio-Visual Content-Based Violent Scene Characterisation. BTech thesis.
Nishad, Praween Kumar (2013) Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Systems. MTech thesis.
Pahuja, Sahil (2012) Designing an algorithm using active noise cancellation for development of a headphone in heavy noise industry. BTech thesis.
Panda, Ashish Kumar and Sahoo, Amit Kumar (2011) Study of Speaker Recognition Systems. BTech thesis.
Panda, Deepti Ranjan (2007) Eye Detection Using Wavelets and ANN. BTech thesis.
Panda, Nihar (2005) Development of Fuzzy Receiver for GSM Application. MTech thesis.
Panda, Nihar Ranjan (2007) New structures and algorithms for adaptive system identification and channel equalization. MTech thesis.
Panda, Rashmi (2012) Removal of artifacts from electrocardiogram. MTech thesis.
Pandey, Nilay (2014) Beamforming in MIMO Radar. MTech thesis.
Pandia, Ayaskanta (2016) Detection and Height Measurement of Layered Media by Using GPR. MTech thesis.
Panigrahi, Ayaskanta (2015) Design and Analysis of Dual-Linearly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array. MTech by Research thesis.
Panigrahi, Trilochan (2012) On the Development of Distributed Estimation
Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis.
Parashar, Anup (2015) A Study on Range Cell Migration Correction in SAR Imagery and MATLAB Implementation of Algorithms. MTech thesis.
Parida, Padmini (2017) Sparse Based Automatic Plant Identification System. MTech thesis.
Patel, Dhruv (2018) Real-Time ECG Monitoring System Using Android Smart Phone. MTech thesis.
Patil, Suraj Darigonda (2018) Design of IoT aware IP camera data retreaval system for smart city application. MTech thesis.
Patra, Anurag (2014) Estimation of DOAs of Acoustic Sources in the Presence of Sensors with Uncertainties. MTech thesis.
Patra, Jyoti Prasanna (2018) Signal Detection and Channel Estimation for Space-Time Block Coded Mobile Communication Systems. PhD thesis.
Pillai, Gargi V (2017) Descriptors based Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Alok Kumar (2012) Analysis of partial discharge signals using digital signal processing techniques. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Bibhuti Bhusan (2019) Distributed MIMO Systems with ZF Detectors in Rayleigh-Inverse Gaussian Composite Fading Channels. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Kumari Rosy (2016) Constant False Alarm Rate Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Prasanta Kumar (2016) On Efficient Signal Processing Algorithms for Signal Detection and PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Prashant (2008) Performance Evaluation of DS-CDMA Receivers Using Genetic Algorithm. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Pyari Mohan (2009) Robust Distributed Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Pramanik, Ria (2013) Analysis of the second heart sound for measurement of split. MTech thesis.
Prasad, N (2013) Architectural implementation of cordic unit and its applications. MTech thesis.
Prasad, P Shiva (2007) Independent Component Analysis. BTech thesis.
prasad, Yogendra (2014) Diffusion lms strategy over wireless sensor network. MTech thesis.
Prashanti, Yaramareddy (2017) Imaging Through-The-Wall by Static Radar using Doppler Signature. MTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Manasi (2016) Target Tracking using Kalman Filter. MTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Priyanka (2016) Voice Activity Detection by Maximizing Mutual Information of an Audio-Visual Scene. MTech thesis.
R, Silambarasi (2017) Human Action Recognition using Extended Motion History Image and Fusion of Features. MTech thesis.
Raj, Jyotiranjan and Sahu, Ajit Kumar (2014) Fetal electrocardiogram extraction and analysis. BTech thesis.
Raj , Mayank (2015) Voice Recognition in Noisy Environment Using Array of Microphone. BTech thesis.
Rajesh, B (2008) Real time implementation of DES algorithm by using tms3206713 DSK. MTech thesis.
Ranjan, Nitesh (2015) Enhancement of Eeg Signal. MTech thesis.
Ranjith, Chukka (2018) Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Gabor Wavelet Function. MTech thesis.
Rao Samoju, Visweswara (2020) Modeling and Simulation of Dual Metal Quadruple Gate (DMQG) MOSFETs. PhD thesis.
Rathore, M S (2014) Statistical analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image speckle. MTech thesis.
Rawat, Ishank Kumar (2016) Plant Identification from Leaves using Pattern Recognition Techniques. MTech thesis.
Ray, Soumya Shubhra (2016) Texture Estimation by Despeckling of SAR Imagery. MTech thesis.
Reddy, G Venkat (2007) Performance Evaluation of Different DS-CDMA Receivers Using Chaotic Sequences. MTech thesis.
Roshan, Akash (2017) Emotion recognition and text-to-speech synthesis. MTech thesis.
Routray, Punyatoya (2018) Design of compact slot cavity backed Bow-tie antenna for GPR application. MTech thesis.
S, Venkatesh (2012) Multi user chaotic communication systems sing orthogonal chaotic vectors. MTech thesis.
S, Venkatesh (2012) Multi user chaotic communication systems using orthogonal chaotic vectors. MTech by Research thesis.
Sa, Bijay Kumar (2013) Optimising Sidelobes and Grating Lobes in Frequency Modulated Pulse Compression. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Abhishek (2012) Design and implementation of an efficient Active Noise Control system. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Ajit Kumar (2012) Development of Radar Pulse Compression Techniques Using
Computational Intelligence Tools. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Ajit Kumar (2007) Adaptive non linear system identification and channel equalization usinf functional link artificial neural network. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Akash and Tripathy, Abhijit (2012) Real Time SpeakerRecognition on TMS320C6713. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Arati (2007) Development and applications of adaptive IIR and subband filters. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Jaya Prakash (2011) Analysis of ECG signal for Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Upendra Kumar (2008) Co-operative sensor localization using maximum likelihood estimation algorithm. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Sitanshu Sekhar (2011) Analysis of Genomic and Proteomic Signals Using Signal Processing and Soft Computing Techniques. PhD thesis.
Samantaray, Amiya Kumar (2014) Development of a Real-time Embedded System for Speech Emotion Recognition. BTech thesis.
Sangra, Pankaj Kumar (2011) Classification of Electroencephalography signals using mixture of Features. BTech thesis.
Sankar, D S V (2014) Statistical signal processing approach to segment primary components from pathological phonocardiogram. MTech thesis.
Saramekala, Gopi Krishna (2017) Modeling and Simulation of Subthreshold Characteristics of Short-Channel Fully-Depleted Recessed-Source/Drain SOI MOSFETs. PhD thesis.
Sarkar, Amit (2015) Super Resolution Technique for GPR Detection of Layered Media. MTech thesis.
Sethi, Sujeet Kumar (2015) Design and Analysis of Dual Band Micro strip Patch Antenna. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Sushil Kumar (2017) Real Time Implementation of Text to Speech Synthesis. MTech thesis.
Shree, Mona (2016) Zoom Detection in Video Sequences. MTech thesis.
Singh, Ajay and Singh, Ashish Kumar (2011) Biometric Identification using Phonocardiogram. BTech thesis.
Singh, Amiya (2016) Hierarchy Based Construction of Signature Matrices for Simplified Decoding in Overloaded CDMA. PhD thesis.
Singh, Jatindra Kumar and Behera, Sujit (2012) Speaker verification using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Artificial Neural Network. BTech thesis.
Siriki, Hareesh (2015) Distributed Estimation of Spatially Varying Distributed Parameter System. MTech thesis.
Srinivas, Arava (2018) Estimation of Time Varying Parameters Using Distributed Techniques. MTech thesis.
Srinivasu, Ulli (2018) Semi-Supervised Learning in Random Forest Classifier for Human Action Recognition. MTech thesis.
Srivastava, Abhishek Kumar and Chabra, Sandeep (2007) Study of Software Interface For Adaptive Control System. BTech thesis.
Srivastava, Shubhranshu (2015) Denoising and Artifacts Removal in ECG Signals. MTech thesis.
Sudheer, Kalamati (2018) Design Of Instrumentation Amplifier For Portable ECG Signal
Acquisition Systems. MTech thesis.
Suryawanshi, Harshal Tukaram (2017) Character Recognition using Brain Computer Interface. MTech thesis.
Swain, Smruti Sarita (2015) Implementation of FIR Filter using Distributed Arithmetic Method. BTech thesis.
Swapna, Tentu (2018) Adjustable Windowing for Transmit Beam forming in MIMO Wireless Rayleigh Fading Channel. MTech thesis.
Tripathy, Pratyusa kumar (2013) Self-Balancing Bot Using Concept of Inverted Pendulum. BTech thesis.
Vamshi, Chintha (2008) An analysis of frequency recognition algorithms and implementation in realtime. MTech thesis.
Vasimalla, Mounika (2018) ECG Arrhythmia Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. MTech thesis.
Verma, Amit Kumar and Mangaraj, Anoop Kumar (2010) Analysis and classification of electroencephalography signals. BTech thesis.
Warudkar, Akanksha (2017) Analysis of MIMO Transceiver Signal in Through-The-Wall Imaging Under Multiple Wall Reflection. MTech thesis.
Yadav, Khatendra (2014) Channel Estimation in MIMO Radar Environment. MTech thesis.
Yadav, Pradeep Kumar (2015) Accuracy Analysis of Sound Source Localization Using Cross-Correlation of Signals From a Pair of Microphones. MTech thesis.
This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 13:20:08 2025 IST.