Analysis of Magnetic Field and Electromagnetic Forces in Transformer and Superconducting Magnets

Patel, Ashish Kumar (2015) Analysis of Magnetic Field and Electromagnetic Forces in Transformer and Superconducting Magnets. MTech thesis.



Superconducting magnets are electromagnets that are wound using coils made of superconducting wires. Due to the ability of superconductors to carry current with no resistance, these magnets are able to produce high magnetic fields with very less power consumption required towards refrigeration only. In this day and age magnet technology happens to be an increasingly critical factor in the progress of science and technology. The ultra-high magnetic field plays a significant part in letting us research and delve into the origins of life and disease prevention, high energy physics experiments, enabling us better understand the world. Due to the complex structures and stringent requirements the design of magnets now can no longer be accomplished by just simple analytical calculations. To decide and optimize the electromagnetic structure parameters of large scale magnet, high level numerical analysis technologies are being extensively studied. As different problems have distinct aspects viz. field of application, material properties, geometrical features, hence there is not a single process to handle all probable scenarios. Numerical analysis of magnetic field distribution with respect to time and space is being done by obtaining the solution to Maxwell’s equation numerically under predefined boundary and initial conditions in addition with all sort of mathematical optimal technologies. In this thesis, with the use of finite element method (FEM) based software ANSYS Maxwell, study of magnetic field distribution and electromagnetic force distribution for a simple solenoid, notched solenoid magnet design is done. Additionally a magnet design with multiple Coaxial winding sections is simulated using ANSYS Maxwell and magnetic field distribution, radial and axial forces on the windings are studied. A design method, for optimal configuration of multi section superconducting magnets utilizing a modified genetic algorithm is studied. Also a transformer is modelled using Maxwell to study magnetic field distribution and electromagnetic forces and the effect of asymmetry in windings.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Superconducting Magnets, Transformer, Magnetic Fields, Coils
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electrical Engineering > Power Electronics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electrical Engineering
ID Code:7647
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:18 Sep 2016 14:29
Last Modified:18 Sep 2016 14:29
Supervisor(s):Gopalakrishna, S

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