Synthesis of BIS-(p-Chlorobenzyl) Sulphide Using H2S and TBMAC Polymer Bound as Phase Transfer Catalyst

Animesh, . (2015) Synthesis of BIS-(p-Chlorobenzyl) Sulphide Using H2S and TBMAC Polymer Bound as Phase Transfer Catalyst. BTech thesis.



The aim of this project is the utilization of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in the synthesis of Dibenzyl Chloro Sulphide (DCBS) and ChloroBenzyl Mercaptan (CBM). This is done by the absorption of H2S in methyl Diethanolamine first and then reaction of this H2S rich methyl Diethanolamine with Chloro Benzyl Chloride for the formation of DBCS and CBM. The reaction of methyl Di ethanolamine and Chloro Benzyl Chloride is very difficult as they are two different phases, So the phase transfer catalyst has been used to carry out this reaction. The TBMAC Polymer bound has been chosen as the PTC as it is solid and reusable. The overall objective of this project is to maximize the conversion of Chloro Benzyl Chloride and maximize the selectivity of DBCS. In this project Chloro Benzyl Chloride has been used along with Toluene as a solvent.It also includes study about sources of hydrogen sulfide, need for removal, recovery and PTC study. Parameters chosen for maximizing conversion and selectivity are Reaction time, catalyst loading, stirring speed, temperature and Chloro Benzyl Chloride concentration.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hydrogen sulphide, Dichloro benzyl Sulphide, Phase Transfer Catalyst, TBMAC polymer bound, conversion, selectivity
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Environmental Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:7859
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:16 Jun 2016 12:40
Last Modified:16 Jun 2016 12:40
Supervisor(s):Sen, S

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