Synthesis and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Sol-Gel Derived Zirconia Toughened Alumina Nanocomposite

Sarkar, D (2007) Synthesis and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Sol-Gel Derived Zirconia Toughened Alumina Nanocomposite. PhD thesis.



$Al_2O_3-ZrO_2$ composite precursor powder containing 5-15mol% $ZrO_2$ is prepared by wet chemical route. The washed gel containing pseudoboehmite and amorphous zirconia are characterized with respect to DTA/TG, XRD and IR spectroscopy. In the calcined powder phase evolution of $Al_2O_3$ follows the sequence: pseudoboehmite \rightarrow bayerite \rightarrow boehmite \rightarrow $\Upsilon - Al_2O_3$ \rightarrow $ \theta -Al_2O_3$ \rightarrow $\alpha -Al_2O_3$; while that of $ZrO_2$ follows amorphous $ZrO_2$ \rightarrow $t-ZrO_2$ \rightarrow $(t + m)-ZrO_2$. However, the crystallization behavior of aluminum-hydroxide is somewhat affected with addition of zirconia. FTIR study reveal the number of M-OH and M-O bond increases on increasing mol% of $ZrO_2$ due to a change in the cationic charge of the composite powder. The formation of amorphous material before crystallization can also be predicted from TEM study, where particle exhibits different morphology; and show smooth, distinct and faceted surfaces at different temperature. A bimodal particle size distribution is observed because of both unagglomerated and partial...

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Al2O3-ZrO2, aluminum-hydroxide
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Ceramic Engnieering > Zirconia
Engineering and Technology > Ceramic Engnieering > Nanocomposites
Engineering and Technology > Ceramic Engnieering > Ceramic Processing
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Ceramic Engineering
ID Code:83
Deposited By:Shipra Awasthi
Deposited On:06 May 2009 04:19
Last Modified:06 May 2009 05:01
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Supervisor(s):Adak, S

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