Autonomous Pathfinding for Planetary Rover by Implementing A* Algorithm on an Aerial Map Processed Using MATLAB Image Processing Tool

Jani, Dhyanchand (2016) Autonomous Pathfinding for Planetary Rover by Implementing A* Algorithm on an Aerial Map Processed Using MATLAB Image Processing Tool. MTech thesis.



Human curiosity to discover new things and exploring unknown regions, have continually to development of robots, which became a powerful tools for accessing dangerous environments or exploring regions too distant for human. Previous robot technology functioned under continues human supervision, limiting the robot to confined area and pre-programmed task. However,as exploration moved to regions where communication is ineffective or unviable, robots were used to carry out complex tasks without human supervision. To empower such capacities, robots are being upgraded by advances extending from new sensor improvement to automated mission planning software, circulated automated control, and more proficient power systems. With the advancement of autonomy science robotics technology developed and the robots became more and more capable of operating multi task, under minimal human supervision. In this project work we aim at designing an ONS (Offline Navigation System) system for the planetary rover which will use aerial map taken from satellite and pre-process into a grid map which is then will be used by the rover to travel from one place to another place and completing its mission. The aerial map is processed using Matlab image processing tool to convert into a grid map and search for shortest route is implemented using A* algorithm. The shortest route result is then converted into microcontroller signal to move the rover. With this system the rovers will have the ability to predict the best possible path even if the communication to the satellite is broken.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Offline navigation;Path planning;Image processing;A* algorithm
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Mechatronics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:8336
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:11 Sep 2017 16:04
Last Modified:05 Dec 2019 18:14
Supervisor(s):Parhi, Dayal Ramakrushna

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