Construction Sites Safety in India: An Assessment Through Eyes of Workers

Chauhan, Apoorv Singh (2016) Construction Sites Safety in India: An Assessment Through Eyes of Workers. MTech thesis.



The construction industry has been the backbone of a nation in development processes and economy. It is one of the most hazardous industry not by severity ratio but by occurrence ratio. It is the largest employer of workers in the agriculture industry, thus making it more prone to accidents. Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)is an area that covers every profession and it is an essential area of the industry. The right knowledge about this can lead to human lives being saved, which is more important than properties loss. EHS empowers a worker/person regarding his work,his conduct,and his motives. EHS allows a worker to be more aware, be more cautious and be more productive. Psychological analysis can empower a worker to be more effective and productive.It increases the will power of workers,‘where there is a will,there is way’.This thesis is regarding the assessment of construction sites in India, through an eye of a worker which leads us to various revelations in the sites and thus portray the picture of how their welfare is being taken off in the industry. The study showed how a worker is dealt with various induction processes and training modules that educates him about EHS. This report also tells us the voids that have been left untouched and which play a significant role in workers’ safety. These voids have been addressed in this report, and solutions have been suggested along with them. The study was conducted on an observational basis which leads to the psychological analysis of workers, their understanding of safety policies, their active participation in safety meetings and their meaning of training imparted to them. The psychological study answers the 5 W’s (why, where, whom, who and whose) of accidents. This study recommends in the improvement and organising worker-to-safety engineer talks.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Construction Safety;Psychological Analysis;Labor Intensive
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Chemical Reactor
Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering > Chemical Process Modeling
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:8434
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:30 Aug 2017 12:47
Last Modified:06 Dec 2019 14:09
Supervisor(s):Bag, Ramakrishna

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