Road Safety Diversion Plan for the Transportation of Precast Segment and Analysis of Safety Performance Rating in Construction Industry

Mohanty, Sourav (2016) Road Safety Diversion Plan for the Transportation of Precast Segment and Analysis of Safety Performance Rating in Construction Industry. MTech thesis.



Safe working of any construction industry and its operation is the premier priority and it is a cumulative effort of the safety officer, manager, head of department of concerned department, employees, supervisors and workers etc. This provides a better outcome in end in minimizing the accidents. The comparative result and the safety performance for the past few year accidents can help to minimize the accident scenario. Hence we require some techniques for determining the safety measures and to provide safety performance measuring rating for the construction industry. Such techniques and type of rating help to monitor to identify the weakness in implementation of safety program in the industry and providing a more sturdy safety system program. The safety rating and measurement of safety performance is beneficial to all people in management to know the progress of safety culture in their industry. Severity of the accident can be well identified by using the most powerful tool that is by the process of Quantitative monitoring. In this method we can get a proper value and detail idea about the most and least cause of unsafe work that is caused in terms of safety. This study compares the accident detail program of different industry for the past few years with an attempt to better understand the progress of safety culture in the industry. In this thesis we are basically focusing on the quantitative measures of various programs.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Safe T score; Man-hours worked; Reportable lost time injury; Disabling injury; Construction zones; Precast segment and safety culture
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Chemical Engineering
ID Code:8589
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:20 Aug 2017 15:18
Last Modified:06 Dec 2019 14:41
Supervisor(s):Kumar, A and Balasubramanian, P

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