Numerical Investigation of Lmni5 Based Solid State Hydrogen Storage Device

Singh, Pravin (2017) Numerical Investigation of Lmni5 Based Solid State Hydrogen Storage Device. MTech thesis.

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A mathematical model of LmNi5 based metal hydride of cylindrical shaped reactor with 6 ECTs is developed to investigate the performance characteristics using COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 in order to perform the numerical simulation by varying the hydrogen supply pressure (20-35 bar) and effective thermal conductivity of the reactor bed (1.2-5 W/m.K) during absorption process. It reveals that by increasing the effective thermal conductivity and hydrogen supply pressure respectively, rate of heat transfers and absorption rate increases. The rate of hydrogen absorption is rapid for H2 supply pressure of 35 bar and Ke=5 W/m.K. During desorption process, heat transferring fluid (40, 50, 60 oC ) and effective thermal conductivity of the reactor bed (1.2-5 W/m.K) were varied to study effect on average bed temperature of the reactor bed. The 60 oC and 5 W/m.K is found to be suitable in order to increase the rate of heat transfer from hot fluid to MH reactor bed. A good concurrence is found between numerical and experimental results for HSC (wt.%) and average bed temperature during absorption process.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hydrogen storage capacity; absorption; desorption; hot fluid temperature; metal hydride; hydrogen supply pressure; effective thermal conductivity
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9053
Deposited By:Mr. Kshirod Das
Deposited On:01 May 2018 17:00
Last Modified:01 May 2018 17:00
Supervisor(s):Subramanian, Anbarasu

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