Distributed Robust Estimation of Space-Time Varying Parameter over Distributed Network

Kumar, Sappati Vinodh (2016) Distributed Robust Estimation of Space-Time Varying Parameter over Distributed Network. MTech thesis.

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Distributed wireless sensor networks assess some parameter of interest connected with the earth by preparing the spatial-temporal information. Adaptive algorithms are applied to the distributed networks to endow the network with adaptation capabilities. The distributed network consists of many small sensors deployed randomly in a geographic area, which are adaptive and share their local information. Be that as it may all these disseminated techniques depend on the least mean square cost function which is delicate to the anomalies, for example, motivation clamour and impedance present in the wanted and/or information.
There are a couple of circumstances where parameters estimation shift over both space and time territories over the framework. An arrangement of premise capacities i.e. Chebyshev polynomials is utilized to depict the space-changing nature of the parameters and DLMS system is developed to recoup these parameters. The parameters of our anxiety are appraise for both one dimensional and two dimensional systems. Steadiness and joining of the developed calculation have been examined and utterances are determined to foresee the conduct. System stochastic networks are utilized to consolidate traded data between nodes. The subsequent calculation is disseminated, co-agent and ready to react to the constant changes in environment. The developed method uses the diffusion LMS algorithm, which introduce better performance than incremental strategy in the sense of large communication and in measurement sharing. But it fails to predict the parameter of interest in the presence of outliers. So there is need of discovering appropriate calculation which would be reasonable for remote sensor systems as far as correspondence and computational complexities.
This essay deals with the development of space time varying parameter using diffusion LMS and Huber error loss function and to find estimate to handle the outliers.
(i) desired data; (ii) input data; (iii) in both input and desired data; and (iv) desired data in case of highly coloured input data. Complete simulation studies show that the proposed methods are robust against 50% outliers in the data, dispense better convergence and low mean square deviation.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Wireless Sensor Networks; Distributed Signal processing; Diffusion LMS; Huber loss function; Outliers
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Wireless Communications
Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Adaptive Systems
Engineering and Technology > Electronics and Communication Engineering > Signal Processing
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ID Code:9200
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:05 Apr 2018 18:26
Last Modified:05 Apr 2018 18:26
Supervisor(s):Sahoo, Upendra Kumar

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