Study of Sloshing Force in 3-D Rectangular Tank with and without Baffles Under Linear Acceleration.

Siddiqui, Mohammad Tabish (2018) Study of Sloshing Force in 3-D Rectangular Tank with and without Baffles Under Linear Acceleration. MTech thesis.

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Sloshing can be defined as an uneven motion of fluid surface in an incompletely filled container. So to find out a slosh dynamic of fluid, fluid should have a free surface. Due
to this sloshing, an effect on the stability of system (container) is seen to be happen, when fluid is directly in contact with container. The movement of fluid with a free
surface is of great concern in numerous engineering disciplines, for example propellant slosh in missile, aerospace, structural failures, cargo slosh in boat and trucks carrying liquid etc. For reducing the sloshing in moving container baffles are utilized as restricting device. The goal of the present simulation is to study on the decrease of force which is caused by sloshing, when the tanks are subjected to longitudinal accelerations, with transverse baffle and transverse baffle with inclination. In the current study a 3-D transient analysis of a water tank with acceleration field is done by using ANSYS-FLUENT v18.1 The model used in the simulation is multiphase through volume of fluid (VOF) for tracing of interface. Simulation is carried out for 8 sec.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sloshing; Free surface; Tank; Stability; Rocket; Volume of fluid(VOF); ANSYS-FLUENT v18.1; Baffle
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Computational Fluid Dynamics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9649
Deposited By:IR Staff BPCL
Deposited On:15 Mar 2019 21:14
Last Modified:15 Mar 2019 21:14
Supervisor(s):Satapathy, Ashok Kumar

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