A Safety Project Report on Emergency Preparedness, Accident Investigation and HIRA

Jena , Ashutosh (2017) A Safety Project Report on Emergency Preparedness, Accident Investigation and HIRA. MTech thesis.

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Mining Industries are capable of fighting with all types of incident arises during the working time, though mining industries don’t deal with any flammable and hazardous substances still they have to protect their industries form other types of incidents, i.e Emergency Preparedness as these mining plants are situated nearer to sea shore, Accidents that happens in day to day life, take preventive action for radiation as this radiation affects the surrounding severly and it also protect form noise pollution, For these company need to follow different statutary standards for fighting with these type of situations. In my Project Intern Period I have enagaged to different departments,and it helped me in such a manner , that I have learnt so many things and from that I have made a project on some of the works I have enagaged i.e. Emergency Preparedness,Accident Investigation, Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis(HIRA)
I have got some results also and that I have mentioned in my thesis and try to give some recommendations also , so that our company will be free incident zone in near future

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Emergency Preparedness; Hazard; Accident Investigation; HIRA
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9671
Deposited By:IR Staff BPCL
Deposited On:16 Mar 2019 17:17
Last Modified:16 Mar 2019 17:17
Supervisor(s):Tripathy , A. K

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