Identification of Potential Hazards and Critical Tasks Involving High Risks and Providing Additional Control Measures

., Shaileja (2017) Identification of Potential Hazards and Critical Tasks Involving High Risks and Providing Additional Control Measures. MTech thesis.

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Risks are a complex problem that, if they occur, will cause unwanted change in the cost, schedule, or technical performance of an engineering system. Hazard analysis involves the identification of hazards at a facility and evaluating possible scenarios leading to unwanted consequences. The hazard analysis stage is a very important part of the risk management process, as no action can be made to avoid, or reduce, the effects of unidentified hazards. Risk assessments are tools that are used for preparing a scientific basis to reduce the risk. The methods currently used in hazard identification and risk assessment are HAZOP, FMEA, FTA, ETA, HIRA, CTI. Following the comparative analysis of these methods a novel approach to risk assessment using expert system is proposed. Some conclusions and research perspectives will be presented in the final part of the paper.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hazard Identification; Risk Assessment; Risk; Methods
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:9684
Deposited By:IR Staff BPCL
Deposited On:21 Mar 2019 17:25
Last Modified:21 Mar 2019 17:25
Supervisor(s):Kumar, Surendra and Biswas, Chandan Kumar

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