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Number of items: 7.
CChakraborty, Debarka (2017) Sensor Database System. MTech thesis. DDevaraj, Divya (2017) Ant Colony Optimisation based Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-optical Networks. MTech thesis. KKhakha, Gopinath (2016) Sensor Calibration System for Enhancement of Quality of Information. MTech thesis. PPatil, Suraj Darigonda (2018) Design of IoT aware IP camera data retreaval system for smart city application. MTech thesis. SSahu, Manish (2018) Performance Analysis of FSO Link under Atmospheric Turbulence and Pointing Errors. MTech thesis. Sahoo, Satyajit (2016) Quality Analysis in Phase Modulated Radio Over Fiber in WDM/DWDM Network. MTech thesis. VV S, Sarath (2016) Performance Analysis of Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication. MTech thesis. |