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Number of items: 8.
Ravi , Prasanna Rao (2013) Numerical Study of Crystallization Process Using CFD Tools. MTech thesis. BBehera, Trupti Ranjan (2015) Computational Study on Entropy Generation Minimization of Pipe Bending. MTech thesis. Bhunya, D K (2014) Simulation study of cryogenic air separation unit using Aspen Hysys at Rourkela steel plant. MTech thesis. Bhoi, Stutee (2012) Study of microchannel reactor using cfd analysis. MTech thesis. KK umar, Lukesh (2014) Analysis of steady state Cryogenic Air Separation unit of Rourkela Steel Plant and simulation of Fixed Bed Adsorption MMallick, Sabyasachi (2015) Reactive Extraction of Butyric Acid Using Tri-Octyl Amine in Decanol. MTech thesis. PPandey, Ashish Kumar (2011) A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Fluid Flow and VVerma, T (2014) Reactive extraction of acetic acid. MTech thesis. |