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SNumber of items at this level: 16.
Gupta, Sujasha and Gupta, Savita (2013) Effect of thermal shock and loading rate on the microstructure and properties of Cu/Al2O3 composites. BTech thesis.
Babu, Pokula Narendra (2023) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deformation Behavior of Nanocrystalline Al and CNT Reinforced Nanocrystalline Al Nanocomposites. PhD thesis.
Bhardwaj, Hem Shruti and Sahoo, Paramita Sahoo (2015) Environmental Study of Nano-Filler Embedded Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite. BTech thesis.
Biswal, Pradeep Kumar (2017) Mechanical Performance of Hybrid Composites Under Cryogenic Temperature and Humid Environment. MTech thesis.
Fulmali, Abhinav O. (2018) Effect of CNT/CNT-COOH Addition on Creep Performance and Water Absorption Behaviour of Embedded Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Ashwani (2015) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nano-indentation Studies on Zr-based Metallic Glass Matrix Composites. MTech by Research thesis.
Kumar, Devalingam Santhosh (2015) New Generation Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites for Low and Cryogenic Temperature Applications. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Sudhanshu (2018) Processing Bio-char and Study of Dielectric Behaviour of Castor Plant Biomass. MTech thesis.
Lakra, Suprabha Charjren (2013) Synthesis and characterization of Pulsed- Electrodeposited Cr and Cr-ZrO2 Coating. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Sankalp (2017) A Molecular Dynamics Study of Sintering Process of FCC and BCC Materials. MTech thesis.
Prajapat, Vivek (2018) Synthesis and Characterization of Ni-WC-Zr Nanocomposite Coating by Electrodeposition. MTech thesis.
Sahani, Pankajini (2010) Synthesis and Characterizations of Copperbased Nanostructures Developed by Mechanical Milling. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Debaraj (2017) Effect of Humid Ageing on the Durability of Functionalized CNT Embedded GFRP Composite. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rasmi Ranjan (2017) Comparative Study of Nano ZrO2 and Nano Y2O3 Dispersed Mechanically Alloyed and Conventionally Sintered W-Ni-Nb-Ti. MTech thesis.
Samal, Sumant Kumar (2021) Processing Ferroalloys from Lean Ore and Fines using Thermal Plasma. PhD thesis.
Shukla, Meet Jayesh (2015) Elevated Temperature Performance of Hybrid Polymer Composites. MTech thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 07:22:28 2025 IST.