Number of items: 96.
Achary, L.Satish K (2020) Rational Design of Highly Active and Sensitive Graphene Oxide-based Catalyst and Sensor Materials. PhD thesis.
Barpanda, Ravi Sankar (2020) Techniques for QoS Provisioning and Differentiation in OBS Networks. PhD thesis.
Bastia, Fakira (2020) Weathering Characteristics in the Mahanadi River Basin, India. PhD thesis.
Behera, Akhya Kumar (2020) Electro-Formation of Cu-Graphene Composites and Its Property Evaluation. PhD thesis.
Behera, Chandini (2020) Synthesis and Study of Cu and Sn Based Nanostructured Metal Chalcogenides for Energy Storage and Photocatalytic Applications. PhD thesis.
Behera, Maheswar Prasad (2020) Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System under Non-ideal Source Voltage with Battery Energy Storage. PhD thesis.
Behera, Ranjan Kumar (2020) Linkage Based Community Detection in Social Networks. PhD thesis.
Behera, Sagarika (2020) Synthetic Approaches Towards Biologically Active Heterocycles Employing Catalytic Strategies. PhD thesis.
Chaine, Sarat Chandra (2020) Investigation of Micro-drilling of Aerospace Materials: Modeling and Optimization. PhD thesis.
Chandran, Smitha (2020) Representation of the Self: Reading Sports Autobiographies. PhD thesis.
Chatterjee, Suman (2020) Experimental Investigation on Drilling and Welding of Engineering Materials using Laser. PhD thesis.
Damanapeta, Narsimhachary (2020) Laser Weld-Brazing of Aluminum Alloy (AA6082/AA5083) and Galvanized Interstitial Free Steel with an Emphasis on Fatigue and Corrosion Study. PhD thesis.
Das, Shilpi (2020) Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Lignocellulosic Biomass for Iron Removal from Aqueous Phase. PhD thesis.
Dash, Indira (2020) Partial Characterization of Halotolerant Microbial Cellulases and Their Application in Bioethanol Production Using Sea Water System. PhD thesis.
Dash, Pragyan (2020) Determinants of M&A Success & Failure: Evidence from Indian Corporate Sector. PhD thesis.
Dhal, Soumyashree (2020) Development of Iontophoresis-Responsive Oleogels for Facile Delivery of Upconversion Nanoparticle and Drug across the Skin. PhD thesis.
Dhumal, Chanda Vilas (2020) Development and Characterization of Biopolymer-based Composite Edible Films with Antimicrobial Functionality. PhD thesis.
Dirghangi, Aditi (2020) Feminist Revisionist Mythmaking: Analysing Kavita Kané’s Retelling. PhD thesis.
Elappila, Manu (2020) Development of Survivability Protocols in Wireless Personal Area Networks for IoT Applications. PhD thesis.
Ganguly, Sourav (2020) Creep, Tensile, Wear and Corrosion Behaviour of SiC Nanoparticles Reinforced Squeeze-Cast AZ91-Ca-Sb Magnesium Alloy. PhD thesis.
Jairam, T (2020) Rational Design, Synthesis, Photophysical and Electroluminescence Study of Organic Fluorophores for Blue Organic Light Emitting Diodes. PhD thesis.
Jena, Shreeshan (2020) Gait Analysis of the Lower Limbs: A Systematic Approach for Design and Analysis of an Orthotic. PhD thesis.
Jeswal, Sumit Kumar (2020) Connectionist Models for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Equations. PhD thesis.
K, Viswanath (2020) Educating First-Generation Tribal Learners in Urban English Medium Schools: ELT Strategies to Bridge the Gap. PhD thesis.
Kant, Sunny (2020) A Study on Clouds, Precipitation and Radiation Response to Aerosols Over Different Parts of Indian Region. PhD thesis.
Kar, Nikunja Bihari (2020) Development of Facial Expression Recognition System Using Machine Learning Techniques. PhD thesis.
Kar, Shanti (2020) Adsorption of Cr(VI) using Natural Iron Oxyhydroxides. PhD thesis.
Khan, Imtiyaz (2020) Performance Analysis and Optimization of Interference Limited Multiantenna Bidirectional Relay System. PhD thesis.
Khuntia, Jnana Ranjan (2020) Experimental Investigations of Unsteady Flow Over Rough Bed Channels with and Without Emergent Rigid Vegetation. PhD thesis.
Koteswararao, D (2020) Dynamic Analysis and Active Control of Functionally Graded Rotor Shaft System. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Kamlesh (2020) Ti-6Al-4V alloy weld joint by variant of TIG welding method: Characterization and mechanical performance evaluation. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Manoj (2020) Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Cryogenic Turboexpander. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Varun (2020) Nonasymptotic Analysis of Massive MIMO under Different Wireless Scenarios. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Vikas (2020) Extraction and Recovery of Various Wastewater Contaminants Using Liquid Membrane Techniques. PhD thesis.
Kundu, Sourav (2020) Analysis of Electroencephalogram Signal for P300 Based Brain-Computer Interface Speller. PhD thesis.
Lily, . (2020) Augmentation of Fast Cooling Operation of Steel Plate by Modifying the Orientation of Cooling System and Properties of Coolants. PhD thesis.
Mahato, Kishore Kumar (2020) Environmental Durability of Multiscale Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites: An Assessment On Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evaluation. PhD thesis.
Mahato, Nisha Rani (2020) Static and Dynamic Analysis of Imprecisely Defined Systems with Uncertain Parameters. PhD thesis.
Mallick, Monalisa (2020) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wind Induced Pressure on C-shaped Building Models. PhD thesis.
Mishra, Deepasikha (2020) Development of Learning-Based Techniques for Single-Image Super-Resolution. PhD thesis.
Mishra, Sonali (2020) Analysis of Hematopoietic cells for Leukemia Detection and Classification. PhD thesis.
Mishra, Soumya Nandan (2020) Study of Routing Protocols for Low Power Internet of Things (IoT) Devices. MTech by Research thesis.
Mohanty, Samaptika (2020) Stabilization of Dispersive Soil Using Industrial by-Products. PhD thesis.
Mohanty, Satya Sundar (2020) Herbicide Bioremediation Using Hyperbutachlor Tolerant Microorganisms in Batch and Continuous Systems. PhD thesis.
Mohanty, Swati Sambita (2020) Microbial Strategies for Decolorization of Anthraquinone Based Dyes in Batch and Continuous Systems. PhD thesis.
Mohanty, Tapas Ranjan (2020) Investigations of Blast Furnace Cooling Staves and Intelligent Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network. PhD thesis.
Naaresh Reddy, G. (2020) In Silico Studies of Functionalized Aromatic Heterocyclic and Zintl Ion Based Superatom/Alkali/Halogen. PhD thesis.
Nanda, Debasis (2020) Studies on Multipurpose Liquid Repelling Functional Coatings for Various Industrial Applications. PhD thesis.
Nanda, Dipika (2020) Synthesis and Characterizations of Magnetoelectric Materials Processed by Microwave Assisted Solid State Reaction Route for Multifunctional Device Applications. PhD thesis.
Nanda, Sambhudutta (2020) Analysis and Synthesis of Magnetically Negative (MNG) Material using Softcomputing Techniques. PhD thesis.
Nayak, Ashwini Kumar (2020) Adequacy Assessment of Power System and Capacity Credit Estimation with Renewable Source Integration. PhD thesis.
Padhan, Rudra Narayan (2020) On Isoclinism and Capability of Lie Superalgebras. PhD thesis.
Padhy, Ram Prasad (2020) Monocular Vision Aided Autonomous UAV Navigation in Indoor Environments. PhD thesis.
Pahari, Om Prakash (2020) Robust and Adaptive Grid Synchronization Control of a Two Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System. PhD thesis.
Panda, Bandana (2020) Studies on Magnetic, Electric and Dielectric Properties of Ferrite Modified LCMO Nanocomposite Systems. MTech by Research thesis.
Panda, Brahmadev (2020) Ownership Structure, Firm Performance, and Stock Liquidity: Empirical Evidence from Indian Listed Firms. PhD thesis.
Panda, Ruchira (2020) Financial Integration of Corporate Bond Markets in India: Empirical Evidences. PhD thesis.
Pandey, Krishna Kant (2020) Intelligent Trajectory Planning and Navigational Analysis of Wheeled Mobile Robot in Cluttered Workspace. PhD thesis.
Pandey, Richa (2020) Performance Improvement of Five Phase Induction Motor Drive System with Different Converter Configurations. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Sushree Sangeeta (2020) Properties of Sequences and Sums Associated with Balancing-like Sequences. PhD thesis.
Prince, Ashutosh (2020) Perturbations of Cellular Model Membranes Induced by Membrane Interacting Model Peptide, Protein and Proteoliposome. PhD thesis.
Pushp, Pallavi (2020) Polyvinyl Alcohol - Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone and Polycaprolactone Based Matrices for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Applications. PhD thesis.
R, Vinaykumar (2020) Low Temperature Sintering and Characterizations of Co-Ti Substituted SrFe12O19 M-type Hexagonal Ferrites for High frequency Antenna Applications. PhD thesis.
Ragam, Prashanth (2020) Development of IoT-Based Real-Time Monitoring System and Prediction of Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations in Opencast Mines using Soft Computing Techniques. PhD thesis.
Rao, Tharasi Dilleswar (2020) Non-Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis for Radon Transport Mechanisms. PhD thesis.
Rao Samoju, Visweswara (2020) Modeling and Simulation of Dual Metal Quadruple Gate (DMQG) MOSFETs. PhD thesis.
Rath, Biranchi Narayan (2020) Robust and Adaptive Control Algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. PhD thesis.
Rebbavarapu, Sandhyarani (2020) Simultaneous Production of Antimicrobial Agent (2- hydroxyacetohydrazide) and Phenol Degradation Via Microbial Technology. PhD thesis.
Rout, Amruta (2020) Laser Sensor Assisted Industrial Arc Welding Robot System for Producing Quality Welded Joints. PhD thesis.
Rout, Suryaleen (2020) Performance Evaluation of Bentonite Embedded Pond Ash as Landfill Liner. PhD thesis.
Roy, Sritama (2020) Fabrication of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films by Dip Coating Process for Resistive Switching Applications. PhD thesis.
S, Prathap (2020) A Detailed Investigation on The Development of Biomolecule Based Multifaceted Therapeutic Nanoformulations and Their Cytotoxic Behaviour in Multiple Cancer Cells. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Sampa (2020) Performance Analysis of Realtime Task Scheduling in Cloud System. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Subal Ranjan (2020) Numerical Solution for Multi-parameter Singularly Perturbed Initial and Boundary Value Problems. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Sushanta Kumar (2020) An Investigation of Dissimilar Pipe Welding of AISI 304 Stainless Steel with CP Copper. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Umesh Kumar (2020) Adaptive and Vision Based Controllers for a Flexible Link Manipulator. PhD thesis.
Sahukar, Manasi Kumari (2020) A Study on Arithmetic Functions and Diophantine Equations Associated with Balancing and Related Sequences. PhD thesis.
Samal, Sudhansu Kumar (2020) Estimation of Low-Frequency Oscillations Using Wide-Area Monitoring in Power System. PhD thesis.
Samantasinghar, Subhashree (2020) Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes for Synthesis of Inorganic Polymer as a Soil Stabilizer. PhD thesis.
Saxena, Nainsi (2020) Evaporation and Magnetic Field Induced Organization of Nanoparticles for Wetting and Catalytic Applications. PhD thesis.
Singh, Kasturi (2020) Impact of Changing Climate on North Indian Ocean Cyclonic Disturbances and Associated Meteorological Features. PhD thesis.
Singh, Soumyendra (2020) Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Stochastic Integral and Differential Equations in Mathematical Modelling. PhD thesis.
Singh, Tej Pratap (2020) Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis of a Turbulent Jet Flowing Over a Sinusoidal Wavy Surface. PhD thesis.
Soni, Amita (2020) Existence and Multiplicity of solutions to some problems in local and nonlocal elliptic PDEs. PhD thesis.
Sudeendra Kumar, K (2020) Hardware Security: Hardware Trojan Detection, Test and Debug Security Infrastructure IP. PhD thesis.
Sukanth, T (2020) Improvement of Power Quality in Underground Coal Mines. PhD thesis.
Suryendu, Chhavi (2020) Formation Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles under Communication Delay and Actuator Saturation. PhD thesis.
Swain, Chaudhuri Manoj Kumar (2020) A Study on Development of Path loss Modelling Schemes and Coverage Analysis for a Broadband Wireless Access Network. PhD thesis.
Tangi, Lakshmana Rao (2020) Substitution Induced Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Properties in LaFeO3 Nanoparticle. PhD thesis.
Thrinadh, Jadam (2020) Experimental Studies on Machinability Assessment of Difficult-to-Cut alloys (Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V) During Traditional and Non-Traditional Machining. PhD thesis.
Uttarkabat, Satarupa (2020) Outlier Detection using Unsupervised Learning Techniques. MTech by Research thesis.
Vaikunthbhai, Katariya Pankajkumar (2020) Nonlinear Structural Analysis of SMA Bonded Curved Skew Sandwich Composite Panel Under Hygro-Thermo- Mechanical Loading. PhD thesis.
Varaprasad, Madisa V G (2020) Analysis and Design of an Efficient PV Power Optimizer with Reduced EMI Effects and Less Sensors Counts. PhD thesis.
Venkata Udaya Sameer, B (2020) Mitigating Challenges in Image Source Attribution through Digital Forensics. PhD thesis.
Viswanath, K. (2020) Educating First-Generation Tribal Learners in Urban English Medium Schools: ELT Strategies to Bridge the Gap. PhD thesis.
Yadav, Kanti Kusum (2020) Modulation of Different Proteins’ Conformational Dynamics in The Presence of ZnO Nanoparticles with Varying Surface Properties. PhD thesis.
This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 16:13:19 2025 IST.