Controling of Mobile Agents using Intelligent Strategy

Satpathy, Sanmay (2009) Controling of Mobile Agents using Intelligent Strategy. BTech thesis.



Robots are developed to carry out certain task to help the human beings. A robot carrying out a particular needed task has promising applications for the betterment of human society. So the control of their motion remains a vital part for a robot.
In this project, I have to develop the simulation of mobile agents (robots) in an arena of obstacles from a start point to a destination point without collision. So in a way this project deals with successful navigation of robots in prior known environment.
This document presents a computer vision method and related algorithms for the navigation of a robot in a static environment. Our environment is a simple white coloured area with coloured obstacles (circle with white colour, rectangles with orange colour, triangle with green colour and hexagon with pink colour which helps in identifying the obstacle) and robot is in a rectangular form. The agents starting point is in blue colour and the destination point is in red colour. This environment is input by the user with the starting point and the destination point. The data acquired from here is then used as an input for the program which controls the robot drive motion in graphic control window. Robot then tries to reach its destination avoiding obstacles in its path. The algorithm presented in this paper uses the distance transform methodology to generate paths for the robot to execute which are written in C++ compiler. These paper developments can also be applied to vehicles for collision free driving.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Intelligent Strategy, C++
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Mechatronics
Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:273
Deposited By:Sanmay Satpathy
Deposited On:12 May 2009 15:17
Last Modified:14 Jun 2012 17:22
Supervisor(s):Parhi, D R

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