Development of Alternative Methods for Robot Kinematics

Sahu, Santosini (2008) Development of Alternative Methods for Robot Kinematics. MTech by Research thesis.



The problem of finding mathematical tools to represent rigid body motions in space has long been on the agenda of physicists and mathematicians and is considered to be a well-researched and well-understood problem. Robotics, computer vision, graphics, and other engineering disciplines require concise and efficient means of representing and applying generalized coordinate transformations in three dimensions. Robotics requires systematic ways to represent the relative position or orientation of a manipulator rigid links and objects. However, with the advent of high-speed computers and their application to the generation of animated graphical images and control of robot manipulators, new interest arose in identifying compact and computationally efficient representations of spatial transformations. The traditional methods for representing forward kinematics of manipulators have been the homogeneous matrix in line with the D-H algorithm. In robotics, this matrix is used to describe one coordinate system with respect to another one. However for online operation and manipulation of the robotic manipulator in a flexible manner the computational time plays an important role. Although this method is used extensively in kinematic analysis but it is relatively neglected in practical robotic systems due to some complications in dealing with the problem of orientation representation. On the other hand, such matrices are highly redundant to represent six independent degrees of freedom. This redundancy can introduce numerical problems in calculations, wastes storage, and often increases the computational cost of algorithms. Keeping these drawbacks in mind, alternative methods are being sought by various researchers for representing the same and reducing the computational time to make the system fast responsive in a flexible environment. Researchers in robot kinematics tried alternative methods in order to represent rigid body transformations based on concepts introduced by mathematicians and physicists such as Euler angle or Epsilon algebra. In the present work alternative representations, using quaternion algebra and lie algebra are proposed, tried and compared.

Item Type:Thesis (MTech by Research)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Robots, Robot Kinematics, Homogeneous Matrix, Manipulator Kinematics
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:2800
Deposited By:Hemanta Biswal
Deposited On:01 Aug 2011 09:59
Last Modified:01 Aug 2011 09:59
Supervisor(s):Biswal, B B

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