Alternative Design of Manipulation for Maintenance Work in Hazardous Environment

Kumar, Deepak (2009) Alternative Design of Manipulation for Maintenance Work in Hazardous Environment. BTech thesis.



In a remote handling area for research and analysis we have to pick up certain samples from that surrounding or place some devices for monitoring. An unmanned Robotic vehicle can serve this purpose, but a lot of obstacles will be present in the path of the robot so it has to be so smart enough to avoid such obstacles. We have designed the Remote handling mechanism which will help it to move to the spot without getting damaged and carry out the given task successfully. Different Remote Handling Mechanisms are conceptualized, studied & designed in SOLIDWORKS and a comparative studied is completed.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Remote handling mechanism, Manipulators, SolidWorks
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Mechatronics
Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Robotics
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:316
Deposited By:Deepak Kumar
Deposited On:13 May 2009 10:45
Last Modified:17 May 2009 15:21
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Supervisor(s):Biswal, B B

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