Uncertain Vibration Analysis of Laminated Structure-A Fuzzy Finite Element Approach

Panigrahy, Umesh (2015) Uncertain Vibration Analysis of Laminated Structure-A Fuzzy Finite Element Approach. BTech thesis.



Free vibration behavior of flat panel laminated composite with and without random material properties are investigated in this work. The laminated structure has been modelled mathematically using the higher-order model taking the randomized material properties through the fuzzy based tool. The desired governing equation is obtained with the help of Hamilton’s principle and discretizing through the suitable finite element steps. Fuzzy-finite element method is used with randomized material property to obtain the free vibration responses. The model is evaluated by comparing the various responses with that of the published literature. Finally, the effect of different geometrical and material parameters on the vibration responses are evaluated by solving some numerical examples.

Item Type:Thesis (BTech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fuzzy Finite Element Method, Fuzzy set, Linguistic values,Laminated Composites,Hamilton’s principle
Subjects:Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Finite Element Analysis
Engineering and Technology > Mechanical Engineering > Structural Analysis
Divisions: Engineering and Technology > Department of Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:7181
Deposited By:Mr. Sanat Kumar Behera
Deposited On:16 Mar 2016 19:13
Last Modified:16 Mar 2016 19:13
Supervisor(s):Panda, S K

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