Number of items at this level: 125.
Gayen , Debabrata (2013) Finite element based vibration and stability analysis of functionally graded rotating shaft system under thermal environment. MTech thesis.
Majhi , Bikash Kumar (2013) Static and Dynamic analysis of Functionally Graded Flat Panels. BTech thesis.
Panda , Abhishek (2013) Effect of shape, size and content on the effective thermal conductivity BeO filled polymer composites. BTech thesis.
Patra , Suvendhu Kumar (2013) Study of Physical and Thermal Behaviour of Epoxy
Composites filled with Blast Furnace Slag. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Santanu Kumar (2013) Static and Buckling analysis of Laminated Sandwich Plates with Orthotropic Core using FEM. BTech thesis.
Sahu , Girish Kumar (2013) Static and free vibration analysis of laminated composite skew plate with and without cutout. MTech thesis.
., Ravi (2013) Vibration and Buckling Behaviour of Laminated Composite Plate. BTech thesis.
Abhiman, Tompe Umesh (2016) Vibration Analysis of Nano-Plate Using Nonlocal Elasticity. MTech thesis.
Acharya, Biswajit (2017) Energy Harvesting From a Non-Prisimatic Cantilever Beam. MTech thesis.
Alkassar, Yassin (2016) Fault Analysis/Condition Monitoring of Vibrating Structures. MTech thesis.
Asdaque, P. M. G. Bashir (2014) Vibration analysis of non-uniform shaft-rotor system. MTech by Research thesis.
Ashirbad, Swain (2012) Analysis of machine tool structure using RSM approach. MTech thesis.
B., Chetankumar (2018) Performance Study of an Automotive Fresh Air Subwoofer. MTech thesis.
Behera, P S (2010) Vibration Analysis of a Beam using Neural Network Technique. BTech thesis.
Bhagat, Meghraj Vitthal (2010) Axisymmetric Stress Analysis of Internally Pressurized Rotating Cylinder using Finite Element Method. BTech thesis.
Bharule, Ajay (2009) Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Swing Jaw Plate of Jaw Crusher. MTech thesis.
Bhuyan, Pranjal (2018) Effect of Operating Conditions, Lobe-number, Clearance Size and Rotor Profile on the Transient Hydrodynamics, Heat Interaction, and Performance of a Root Blower. MTech by Research thesis.
Biswal, Alok Ranjan (2017) Geometric Nonlinear Finite Element and Genetic Algorithm Based Vibration Energy Harvesting from Functionally Graded Nonprismatic Piezolaminated Beams. PhD thesis.
Biswas, Sandhyarani (2010) Processing, Characterization and Wear Response Of Particulate Filled Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites. PhD thesis.
Buddala, Raviteja (2019) A meta-heuristic approach for solving flexible flow-shop and job-shop scheduling problems. PhD thesis.
C, Madan Raj (2018) Determination of Safety Integrity Level of a Sugar Plant
using Modified LOPA and Modified Safety Design of
a Vacuum Breaker Valve. MTech thesis.
Chandrakar, Ashish and Agrawal, Ankit (2015) Study on Fatigue Crack Growth in the Presence of a Hole in the Vicinity of the Crack Path. BTech thesis.
Das, Sidharth and Baral, Joy and Chatterjee, Peenak (2011) Active vibration control of piezo-laminated cantilever beam. BTech thesis.
Dash, Amiya Kumar (2012) Multiple Damage Identification of Beam Structure
Using Vibration Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Techniques. PhD thesis.
Dash, Mimosha (2016) A Study on Thermal Characteristics of Epoxy Composites Filled with Natural Fiber and Particulate. MTech by Research thesis.
Dash, Rupalika (2015) Modeling and CFD Simulation of Abrasive Flow Machining Process. MTech by Research thesis.
Devadasi, Vickey and Garg, Shubham and Sahoo, Suryakant (2011) Dynamic behavior of Sandwich Beam with Piezoelectric layers. BTech thesis.
Dewangan, Palash (2009) Passive Viscoelastic Constrained Layer Damping for Structural Application. MTech thesis.
Giriraj, Bhardwaj Ravindra (2016) Numerical Study of Post Welds Residual Stress and Creep Behavior of Inconel 718 and 316 Stainless Steel Joints. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Ajay Kumar (2018) Performance of Plate Fin Heat Exchanger at Cryogenic Temperature. PhD thesis.
Gupta, S (2010) Online Function Monitoring of Faulty Beam. BTech thesis.
Gupta, Sagar (2016) Finite Element Analysis of Composite Multi Leaf Spring for
Light Passenger Vehicle. MTech thesis.
Habeeb, Rahman VT (2017) Modal Analysis of High Speed Cryogenic Turboexpander. MTech thesis.
Halder, Abhijit (2012) A Study On Effective Thermal Conductivity And Dielectric Properties Of Particle Filled Epoxy Composites. BTech thesis.
Hirwani, Chetan Kumar (2019) Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Delaminated Composite Shell Panel under Hygro-thermo-mechanical Loading. PhD thesis.
Hussain, M A (2014) Buckling analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite (FG-CNTRC) plate. MTech thesis.
Jasti, Anurag (2017) Modelling and Analysis of Plain Weave Fabric Reinforced Composites using Finite Element Method. MTech thesis.
Jena, Pankaj Kumar (2009) Static and Dynamic Analysis of HCR Spur Gear Drive Using Finite Element Analysis. BTech thesis.
Jogi, Bhushan (2016) Continuum Modelling of Al-Cu Bimetallic Materials: Stress Intensity Factor Calculations. MTech thesis.
JOSEPH, SHINCE V. (2018) Buckling, Free Vibration and Dynamic Stability of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Material Constraining Layer. PhD thesis.
Kandi, Rudranarayan (2016) Acoustic Horn Design, Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning of Ti-6Al-4V. MTech by Research thesis.
Katiar, Kunja (2012) Dynamic Simulation of Temperature Field in Nd:YAG Laser welding using Finite Element Analysis. MTech thesis.
Kintali , Vinod and Dandapati , Hareesh (2013) FEM Analysis of Stiffened Plates using ANSYS. BTech thesis.
Kisku, Ram Chandra (2011) Modelling of temperature profile in turning with uncoated and coated cemented carbide insert. BTech thesis.
Kothuru , Venkata Vara Lakshmi (2017) Kinematic Design, Dynamic Modelling and Control Studies of Revolute Planar Parallel Manipulator with Secondary Considerations. PhD thesis.
Kukkala, Vivekananda (2012) Experimental study and optimization of the machining parameters in ultrasonic vibrationassisted turning (UVT). MTech thesis.
Kukkala, Vivekananda (2019) Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning of a Nickel-based Superalloy: Acoustic Horn Design, Experimental Investigations and Numerical Analysis. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Abhishek (2015) Experimental Investigations on Machining of CFRP Composites: Study of Parametric Influence and Machining Performance Optimization. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Nitesh (2010) A brief study on various time domain viscoelasticity model. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Sikandar (2013) Active Vibration Control of Rotating Composite Shaft System. MTech thesis.
Kumar, T N (2014) Vibration analysis of viscoelastic sandwich beam using finite element method. MTech thesis.
Kushwaha, Vishwajeet (2012) Analysis of torsional vibration characteristics for multi-rotor and gear-branched systems using finite element method. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Ashutosh (2012) Modelling Of Micro Wire-EDM. BTech thesis.
Mishra , Vivek Kumar (2018) Development of A Test Facility and Measurement of Performance of A Three Stream (He/He/He) Plate Fin Heat Exchanger. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Chinmaya Prasad (2015) Studies on Some Aspects of Multi-objective Optimization: A Case Study of Electrical Discharge Machining Process. PhD thesis.
Mohapatra, Sambit Kumar (2016) Aluminium Based Material Extrusion Through Mathematical Contoured Die: Numerical & Experimental Investigation. PhD thesis.
Moharana, Bikash Ranjan (2017) Mechanical and Metallurgical Investigation of AISI 304 Stainless Steel and Commercially Pure Copper Dissimilar Metal Couple Weldments. PhD thesis.
Naik, Deepak Kumar (2019) Investigation and Optimization of Plasma Arc Cutting Process. PhD thesis.
Nanda, Abhishek (2015) Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Carbon Nanotobe Based Nano Composite Structures. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Abhijeet (2009) Finite Elemental Analysis of Functionality Graded Smart Composite Structures. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Jitendra (2009) Computer Aided Thermal Stress Analysis of Orthotopic Rotating Disc. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Sourava Jyoti (2014) Buckling analysis of swcnt reinforced composite plate. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Tanmaya Kumar and Kandi, Rudranarayan (2012) Comparative study of various beams under different loading using finite element method. BTech thesis.
Nayak , Satyabrata (2018) Design and Simulation of Linear or Rotary Electromagnetic Actuator. MTech thesis.
Nepak, Banamali (2016) Free Vibration Analys of Sandwiched Cylindrical Shell. MTech thesis.
Nigam, Shrutee (2017) Copper Deposition on RP Parts: An Experimental Investigation. PhD thesis.
Ojha, Shakuntala (2015) Investigation in to Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Biomass Based Carbon Black Filled Epoxy Composite. PhD thesis.
Padhi,, Biranchi Narayana (2012) Thermal modeling of short pulse collimated radiation in a participating medium”. PhD thesis.
Padhy, Adarsh Ranjan (2016) Axisymmetric Analysis of Internally Pressurized Rotating Cylinder Using FEM Under Thermal Environment. MTech thesis.
Panigrahi, Sudhir Kumar (2012) Damping of composite material structures with bolted joints. BTech thesis.
Panigrahy, Umesh (2015) Uncertain Vibration Analysis of Laminated Structure-A Fuzzy Finite Element Approach. BTech thesis.
Parida, Ram Prasad (2015) FEM Modeling of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube. BTech thesis.
Parida, Smita (2018) On the Linear and Nonlinear Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Material Plates in the Thermal Environment. PhD thesis.
Paswan, Ajay Kumar (2015) Free Vibration and Bending Analysis of Uniformly Distributed Carbon Nanotube Composite Plate Using Finite Element Method. MTech thesis.
Patel, Mrityunjay Prasad (2015) Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Nanocomposite Conical Shell Structures. MTech thesis.
Patil, Dinesh (2015) Thermo-Mechanical Stress Analysis of Functionally Graded Tapered Shaft System. MTech thesis.
Patle, Bhumeshwar Kunjilal (2016) Intelligent Navigational Strategies For Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Artificial Hybrid Methodologies. PhD thesis.
Patnaik, Prabina Kumar (2018) Processing, Characterization and Slurry Abrasion Wear Behaviour of Needle-Punched Nonwoven Fabric Reinforced Polymer Composites. PhD thesis.
Patra, Prabir Kumar (2015) Finite Element Simulation of Machining of Inconel 825, a Nickel Based Superalloy. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, Mohan Kumar (2010) Experimental Investigation and Modelling of Surface Integrity, Accuracy and Productivity Aspects in EDM of AISI D2 Steel. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Preetiranjan (2015) Finite Element Analysis of Gas Foil Bearings. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, Shubhashish (2013) Effective thermal conductivity of epoxy matrix composites filled with red mud powder. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, Tussarkanti (2016) A Study on Thermal Characteristics of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with Short Bagasse Fibres. MTech thesis.
Purohit, Abhilash (2018) Processing and Tribo-Performance Analysis of Polymer Composites Filled with Linz-Donawitz Sludge. PhD thesis.
Rakesh Prabu, T (2010) Finite Element Modeling Of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube. BTech thesis.
Rana, Hemanta Kumar (2012) Dynamic analysis of fixed-fixed beams. MTech thesis.
Ranjit Kumar, A (2015) Finite Element Analysis of a Rotor Supported with Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings. BTech thesis.
Ray, Debdeep (2010) A Study on FEA of Torsional Vibration in Geared Shafts. BTech thesis.
Rizwan, Syed (2017) Mechanical and Thermal Analysis of Filament Wound Composite Materials. MTech thesis.
S, Bala Murugan (2015) Finite element analysis of multi-disk rotor-bearing system with transverse crack. MTech by Research thesis.
Sahoo, A K (2014) Static, free vibration and dynamic stabilty analysis of sandwich beam with functionally graded material constraining layer in high temperature environment. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Chiranjibi (2015) Development of a 6 DOF Parallel Serial Hybrid Manipulator. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Partha Sarathi (2017) Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Glass Fibers Reinforced Aluminium Laminated Epoxy (GLARE) Composites. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Satyaprakash (2015) Analytical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Various Characteristics of Hole Quality During Micro Drilling of PCB. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Sushree Sasmita (2016) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Static and Dynamic Analysis of Delaminated Composite Plate. MTech by Research thesis.
Sahoo , Gunamani (2018) Design Calculation of Compact Plate and Fin Type of Heat Exchanger for Helium Liquefaction System. MTech thesis.
Sahoo , Bibhuti Bhusan (2018) Buckling, Vibration and Dynamic Stability of Sandwich Beams with Functionally Graded Material Constraining Layer. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Harekrishna (2009) Vibration Analysis of an Elastically Restrained Beam. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Praseed (2014) Buckling analysis of Laminated Composite plates. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Sushanta Kumar (2020) An Investigation of Dissimilar Pipe Welding of AISI 304 Stainless Steel with CP Copper. PhD thesis.
Sahu, Y K (2014) Study on the effective thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced epoxy composites. MTech thesis.
Saraf, Kunal Kumar (2011) Study of effective thermal condutivity of copper filled epoxy base composite. BTech thesis.
Satpathy, Mantra Prasad (2017) Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Dissimilar Metal Sheets: An Experimental, Numerical and Metallurgical Investigation. PhD thesis.
Sen, Deeprodyuti (2015) Analytical and Experimental Determination of Mechanical Properties of Irradiated Materials. MTech thesis.
Sena, A K and Maharana, A (2014) Prediction of fatigue crack propagation in a cracked beam specimen. BTech thesis.
Sethi, Himansu Sekhar (2015) Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Nanocomposite Airfoil Structures. MTech thesis.
Shams, Aamir (2013) A Study on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Copper Slag Particle Filled Epoxy Composites. BTech thesis.
Shereef , Amal Hisham E. (2017) A Reduced Model of Higher Order Viscoelastic Rotor Using Modified SEREP. MTech thesis.
Shukla, Rishi Kumar (2013) Vibration Analysis of Tapered Beam. MTech thesis.
Singh, Abhishek Kumar (2018) Developent of Helium Re-condenser for 1.5 T ZBO MRI Scanner. MTech thesis.
Singh, Ashish (2015) Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Reconfigurable Stair Climbing Robot. MTech thesis.
Singh, Manas Ranjan (2014) A study on flexible flow shop and job shop scheduling using meta-heuristic approaches. PhD thesis.
Singh, Ravi Pratap (2015) Vibration and Bending Behavior of Laminated Composite Plate with Uncertain Material Properties Using Fuzzy Finite Element Method. MTech thesis.
Singh , Vivek Pratap (2018) Investigations on Sudden Unbalance Effects in Overhung Bowed Rotor System. MTech thesis.
Sonavane, Sagar Sambhaji (2017) Vibration Energy Harvesting from Piezoelectric Laminated Cantilever Beam. MTech thesis.
Srikanth, Rupavath (2016) Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Free Vibration and Dynamic Behaviour of Laminated Composite Shallow Shell under Hygrothermal Condition. MTech thesis.
Sudhir, N (2012) Plate bending analysis using finite element method. BTech thesis.
Swain, Ashirbad (2018) Viscoelastic Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of CNT-based Composite Shell Panels. PhD thesis.
Talla, Gangadharudu (2016) Powder-mixed Electric Discharge Machining (PMEDM) of Inconel 625. PhD thesis.
Thomas, Joji (2019) Studies on some Aspects of Meta-Heuristic Algorithms in Solving Engineering Optimization Problems. PhD thesis.
Ukirde, Vikram Umakant (2016) Experimental and Numerical Analysis of PZT Bonded Laminated Composite Plate. MTech thesis.
V B, Shaibu (2012) Numerical analysis of work roll cooling in hot rolling process. MTech thesis.
Vanapalli, Viswa Teja (2015) Modelling & Dynamic Analysis of Wind Turbine Blades. MTech thesis.
Vyankatrao, Deshmukh Akshay (2015) Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Beam With MR Core. MTech thesis.
Yadav, Rajiv Kumar (2014) An experimental and simulation study on parametric analysis in turning of inconel 718 and GFRP composite using coated and
uncoated tools. MTech by Research thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 21:27:19 2025 IST.