Number of items: 20.
Behera, R K (2010) Characterization of Fly Ash for their Effective Management and Utilization. BTech thesis.
Dutta, Samrat (2012) Application of Surface Miner in Indian Coal Mines. BTech thesis.
Das, Abhisek (2009) Strength Characterisation Fly Ash Composite Material. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Ravikant and Tiwari, Ayush (2015) Analysis of The Slope Stability of the Overburden Dumps Mixed with Fly Ash and Various Stabilization Techniques for Slope Stability. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Abhineet (2011) A review of seabed and placer mining deposits in india. BTech thesis.
Moharaj, M C and Wangmo, Y (2014) Ore body modelling and comparison of different reserve estimation techniques. BTech thesis.
Nag, Soumyakant (2013) Evaluation of dragline mining in Indian coal mines. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Prashant Kumar and V, Srikrishnan (2007) Strength development of fly ash based composite material. BTech thesis.
Oram, Pradeep (2009) Flow Behavior of Fly Ash Slurry. BTech thesis.
Panigrahi, Siba Prasad (2013) Critical review of beach sand mining in india-with particular reference to chhatrapur sand complex (OSCOM) in odisha-a case study. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, C (2014) Noise survey and noise modelling of open cast machineries in mines. BTech thesis.
Reddy, Challa Dinesh (2013) Evaluation of Truck Dispatch System and its Application using GPS in Opencast Mines- a Case Study of Indian Mines. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Rajat Kumar (2012) Application of ripper-dozer combination in surface mines: its applicability and performance study. BTech thesis.
Sahu, P (2010) Characterization of Coal Combustion By-Products (CCBs) for their Effective Management and Utilization. BTech thesis.
Shashank, Nooka and Chakravarthi, Vaddeti Kalyan (2015) Characterization of Fly Ash for Their Effective Management. BTech thesis.
Suman, Sandeep (2015) Slope Stability Analysis Using Numerical Modelling. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Manas Kumar (2011) Strength characteristic study of fly ash composite material. BTech thesis.
Singh, Manish (2013) Suitability study of ripper-dozer combination in Indian mines. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Abhijit (2013) Suitability Study of Surface Miner in Indian Coal Mines. BTech thesis.
Vemana, Balaji Vemana (2012) Performance Appraisal of Dragline Mining in India. BTech thesis.
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 08:59:09 2025 IST.