Number of items at this level: 75.
Addanki, Kanthi Sree (2016) Secure and Lightweight Authentication Protocols for Devices in Internet of Things. MTech thesis.
Akansha, . (2015) Solving Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Iterative Heuristic Algorithms. BTech thesis.
Ammaji, Dasari (2018) Improving Localization Ratio in Wireless Sensor Networks using Efficient Path Planning. MTech thesis.
Arif, Mohd (2015) Energy Efficient Routing in WSNs with Forward Next Hop selection. MTech thesis.
Banerjee, Arnab (2015) A Bluetooth Messenger Application. BTech thesis.
Barpanda, Ravi Sankar (2020) Techniques for QoS Provisioning and Differentiation in OBS Networks. PhD thesis.
Barpanda, Soubhagya Sankar (2010) A Graph Coloring Approach to Dynamic Slicing of Object-Oriented Programs. MTech by Research thesis.
Bhushan, Sujeet and Ganguly, Nirmalya (2011) Study of QoS Management In IEEE 802.11 and 802.11e MAC Layer Protocols. BTech thesis.
Chandana, Inapagurthi (2018) Lightweight Anonymous Authentication Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Chaudhary, Jyoti (2016) Design of an Adaptive Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Chavali, Sai Prakash (2018) Design of Modified LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering hierarchy) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Choudhary, Aashish (2013) Modified Adhoc on Demand Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Network. MTech thesis.
Choudhury, Asish Chandra (2015) Bluetooth Security Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol. MTech thesis.
Damodar, Nandanwar Chetan (2016) Energy and Load Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. MTech thesis.
Das, A and Mishra, A (2014) Study of clustering algorithms for brain computer interface using wireless sensor networks. BTech thesis.
Elappila, Manu (2020) Development of Survivability Protocols in Wireless Personal Area Networks for IoT Applications. PhD thesis.
Elappila, Manu (2014) Energy Efficient Survivable Path Routing in Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Gamidi, Venkata Rajesh (2009) Semi Blind Time Domain Equalization for MIMO-OFDM Systems. MTech thesis.
Godara, Ashokeshwer (2015) Energy Efficient Routing in Clustered Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). BTech thesis.
Katiyar, Anshu (2017) Analysis and Design of MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Kolluri, Rajesh (2017) Reduction of Routing Overhead in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication using Clustering in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Alok (2015) Target Simulator for Gun Fire Control System. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Deepak (2018) Distributed Traversal Based FaultDiagnosis in Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Ganit (2015) Development of Energy Efficient WSN Protocol for Precision Agriculture. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Rahul (2018) Resource-Allocation and Load-Balancingin Cloud Radio Access Network for 5G Network. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Ramesh (2016) A Secure Framework for Cloud Based Intelligent Transportation System(C-ITS). MTech thesis.
Kumar, S (2014) Time synchronization in wireless sensor networks. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Saurabh (2015) Improvised Greedy Algorithm of Sensors Scheduling for Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Lakra, A (2014) Performance evaluation of generic routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks. BTech thesis.
Lakra , Monika (2015) Smart and Energy Efficient Power Saving System in University Based on Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Mahapatro, Arunanshu (2012) Fault Diagnosis Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis.
Mahapatro, Satyajit and Thacker, Punit (2008) Measurement of Wireless Service Quality in Guest House of NIT Rourkela. BTech thesis.
Majhi, Jogendra (2015) Optimized Collision Warning Protocol in VANET. BTech thesis.
Maji, A (2010) Load Balancing in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Alekha Kumar (2014) Node replica detection in wireless sensor networks. PhD thesis.
Mishra, S (2014) Fault detection in wireless sensor networks. BTech thesis.
Mishra, S and Satpathy, S M and Mishra, A (2010) Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Lopamudra and Panda, Debansu (2011) Coloured Petrinet for Modelling and Validation of Dynamic Transmission Range Adjustment Protocol for Ad Hoc Network. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Santoshinee (2019) Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks using Artificial Immune System. PhD thesis.
Naik , Manish (2015) Early Detection and Prevention of DDOS attack on VANET. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Deepak Ranjan (2019) Towards Designing Improved Pathological Brain Detection System
using Machine Learning Approaches. PhD thesis.
Padhy, Ram Prasad and Rao, P Goutam Prasad (2011) Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Systems. BTech thesis.
Pandey, Anshul and Singh, Ravi Kumar (2012) Solving Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Network Using Genetic Algorithm. BTech thesis.
Panigrahi, Niranjan (2016) Consensus-based Time Synchronization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks with Topological Optimization Strategies for Performance Improvement. PhD thesis.
Panigrahy, Manasee (2016) Genetic Algorithms for solving Coverage Problem in 3D Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Panigrahy, Saroj Kumar (2019) Human Stress Analysis using Physiological Signals from Wireless Healthcare Sensor Network. PhD thesis.
Parihar, Govind Singh (2009) Synchronization Techniques for OFDM. BTech thesis.
Patro, Anurag (2016) A Dynamic Contention Window MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Pramanick, Sagorica (2018) Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Technique using RGB-D Information. MTech thesis.
Prasad, P and Singh, B and Sahoo, A K (2010) Validation of Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Colored PetriNets. BTech thesis.
Prejil, P (2011) Design of a Power Control MAC Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. MTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Sabut (2011) A Mechanism to Improve the Performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol. MTech thesis.
Puthal, D K (2008) Quality of Service Provisioning with modified IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol. MTech by Research thesis.
Rahul, Eppa (2015) Energy Efficient Stable Cluster Scheme for MANET. MTech thesis.
Ranjan, Alok (2015) VANET Based Four Way Road Intersection Traffic Light Control Model. MTech thesis.
Rashid, Haroon (2013) Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. MTech thesis.
Rath, Bikash (2009) Implementing and Comparing DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. BTech thesis.
Ray, Niranjan Kumar (2013) Techniques to enhance the lifetime of mobile ad hoc networks. PhD thesis.
Rout, Jitendra Kumar (2018) Detection of Deceptive Online Reviews using Machine Learning Techniques. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Manmath Narayan (2014) Design and Evaluation of Online Fault Diagnosis Protocols forwireless Networks. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Manmath Narayan (2009) A Novel Approach for Survivability of IEEE 802.11 WLAN Against Access Point Failure. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Bandita (2015) EESCDE: An Energy Efficient SNR-Based Clustering With Data Encryption. MTech thesis.
Senapati, Biswa Ranjan (2022) Performance Enhancement of Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) for Real-life Applications in Smart Cities. PhD thesis.
Sharma, Suraj (2016) On Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis.
Shekhar, Shubham (2015) Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. BTech thesis.
Shukla, S K (2010) Study of Performance of Security Protocols in Wireless Mesh Network. BTech thesis.
Singh, Munesh (2016) Geometric Constraint Based Range Free Localization Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). PhD thesis.
Singh, Rashmi (2016) Performance Improvement in DSR and Comparitive Analysis with DSDV, AODV, DSR. MTech thesis.
Srikanth, Bathi (2014) Detecting Selfish Nodes in MANETs. MTech thesis.
Swain, Rakesh Ranjan (2019) Design and Evaluation of Composite Fault Diagnosis Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis.
Tigga, Anjali Priyanka (2015) Genetic Algorithm Based Threshold Sensitive Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Tinker, Madhu Sudan (2015) Energy Conservation Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks for Increased Life Time. MTech thesis.
Tirkey, Pretty Sapna (2014) Implementation of coverage problem in wireless sensor network based on unit Disk model. BTech thesis.
Tripathy, Asis Kumar (2016) Development of Application Specific Clustering Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. PhD thesis.
Upadhyaya, Sailesh Kumar and Patel, Ragini (2015) Design of Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks. BTech thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 06:59:38 2025 IST.